This is a subject of great importance lately in my family and social circle. The recent gas shortage opened people's eyes to the fact that a) people are shitty to each other in times of stress and uncertainty and b) that I am not crazy for wanting to stay prepared.
I think people are restless because of the impending election and the absolutely miserable state of our economy. That being said, I think our Kleptocracy will continue to limp along for some time. The Romans figured it out, keep the sheep happy with bread and circus and the ruling elite can do whatever they want.
So as long as we don't have bread lines or massive food shortages and we can always turn to the Kardashians for succor, the Kleptocracy will continue.
In defense of LIBERTY (hah!), I think he was referring to the percentage of illegals that are tax drains, there are plenty but it corresponds nicely to the same percentage of natives. As an immigration attorney I hate the rhetoric that surrounds the issue, but yes some illegals are a net drain on taxes.
Also, man I wish the III% guys around here were a little less 'out there'. I was invited to a gathering and halfway through I was wondering if my security clearance was going to get revoked. I am sure each sect is different but in Mooresville NC they are pretty extreme, and this is coming from an anarchist.
We dont have bread lines ? ?
Bread Lines of the Modern Era
To visualize the situation, if all EBT recipients shopped at only Walmart Super Centers for all of their SNAP benefits, then this is how the bread line would look each month at each Walmart — 14,588 people.
The line on the left: 4.1 miles of adults
The line on the right: 3.7 miles of children
Walmart bread line
There are 3,051 Walmart Super Centers in the USA and 44,510,598 participants in SNAP (2011 data), making the average SNAP line at each and every Walmart consist of 14,588 people.
The Modern Era’s Bread Lines are not visible because the business is handled discreetly through EBT Cards, as the card holders come and go to the grocery stores like anyone else would during any given day, week, or month…
Short Facts:
47% of Food Stamp participants are children.
78.6% of all SNAP participants are in metropolitan areas.
Visualizing this REALITY not only illustrates the magnitude of today’s problems, but it also serves as a caution as to the number of people and potential ‘unrest’ should their government cheese be reduced or even eliminated. How long will the government be able to continue and pay out enormous benefits to such a large and apparently increasing percentage of Americans? Certainly not forever. The government is already broke – it’s just that not everyone has realized it yet.
The purpose here has NOT been to diminish anyone who may truly be in need, but instead it is to point out that much of our economic sickness as a nation is being hidden from your view – which is helping to stretch out the end-game (by avoiding a revolting public). Problems need to be addressed – not papered over.