Thanks, congrats on flow=hood, we look forward to seeing your experiments!
i had two saly jars, one turned brown, the other grew fungus from explant.
they were tiny, unhealthy, dying plants already, last chance to save them.
i dislike PPM (PlantPreservativeMix) because brand-naming,
the over-pricing, and not-revealing their real-ingredients.
will eventually try antibiotic experiments, if it's needed.
i do like these apple juice jars! so far they seem to have a good seal..
if ever needed i might try using tyvec added to the lid for air exchange.
also apple juice (also coconut water) contain cytokin hormones, eventually want to try
experiments using apple-juice as sugar and water content, or maybe 1/2 diluted juice.
8g agar
20g sugar
~0.4mg NAA
~20mg 6GA
3.3g MS
trichocereus 'lumberjac'
solipsis says:
I hope this hasn't been answered somewhere in between, but any suggestions for when absolutely tiny seeds have to be sterilized/disinfected and handled and placed on agar? (I kind of understand the point of elongated culture tubes, but it can be already enough of a nightmare without the tube being cramped and narrow)..
NOt sure maybe someone else knows, but i have read seeds are a good starting material, because they can be sterilized for longer time.
Also seeds have better germination rates on agar, it said like 90%, there is a pdf somewhere about it,
Really though what is the point of elonged culture tubes?
solipsis says:
You would use autoclaved coffee filters to filter the tiny seeds after they have been in bleach or distilled water subsequently, and then placed on the agar with a lab spatula?
sounds like a good plan! maybe if seeds sink, you could pour out most of the water before filtering,
or maybe even pour out all water and use spatuala to remove seeds from cup, and drop onto agar.
Cactiqueen says:
Anyone ever considered using a black tea agar for micro propagation? Or black tea as an addition to knock back molds and bacteria??
i have heard coffee is good supplement for mushrooms, it would be interesting experiment,
i think tea would be more supplemental than antibacterial,