I bet there are compounds like ethylene which play a role in ripening of fruit and which is a gas plants themselves can exude, and fruits too... and which a
dsorb (sic, NOT absorb) onto the activated carbon like structure. So then you would get less ripening.
So far what we see is that we get progressive insight from science, although it is a fallible and provisional method and thus does not pretend to be the truth. However scientific methods do try to minimize the fallibility of humans and their limitations, by taking them out of the picture as much as possible.
Anyway, I find it best to stick to attachment of scientific articles / literature when making a claim. I don't know about what you are saying about electromagnetic radiation, but would like to see those studies that prove something, not to be an asshole about this but I am genuinely curious.
Everyone is entitled to their beliefs but they are just not a part of the scientific method and interfere with it. It's perfectly fine that beliefs exist, they only shouldn't be confused with scientific claims, but you can have a hunch that something works and experiment with it of course. Other than that, throwing claims and references around can be a nice dialectic sort of way to get to some provisional truth together and not be considered a fight.
I worry a little with something like shungite that if too much of it is present like powdered in agar, it might adsorb way too many compounds including good ones, the nutrients. Not sure if it works so well for the roots to.. "retrieve" the nutrients from it, haha.
At least dissolved NAA Na+ easily in water just now, at least that's something.