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Author Topic: Hydrogen peroxide is best known for its medical uses but also has many uses in t  (Read 6085 times)


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Healthy Roots

Plant roots must have oxygen to stay healthy. Oxygen helps the root system absorb nutrients from the soil. Hydrogen peroxide makes a good fertilizer because of the extra oxygen molecule. The extra molecule provides more oxygen to the plant root, enabling the root to absorb more nutrients from the surrounding soil. Using hydrogen peroxide will also help prevent root rot. Root rot happens when plant roots are left in standing water that has low levels of dissolved oxygen.

Seed Germination

Hydrogen peroxide helps seeds germinate more quickly. The extra oxygen molecule softens the seed wall. Soak your seeds in a 3 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide for 30 minutes. Rinse the seeds thoroughly with water and plant. Using hydrogen peroxide will shorten the time it takes for a seed to germinate. More seeds will germinate because the hydrogen peroxide will also kill off certain pathogens that are found on the seed coat.

Hydroponic Gardens

The level of dissolved oxygen in water goes down when the temperature of the water is raised above 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Hydroponic plant roots need oxygen to take up the nutrients that are suspended in a hydroponic growth solution. Adding hydrogen peroxide to the nutrient solution will increase the level of dissolved oxygen in the water. Using hydrogen peroxide in a hydroponic garden will help plants take up the nutrient solution, while keeping the nutrient solution warm enough to promote plant growth.

Keeping the Pests Away

Hydrogen peroxide can be used as a pesticide for certain insects and plant pests. Spraying the leaves of the plant with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water will reduce the insect population in your garden because it will kill off the eggs and larvae left by adult insects. Hydrogen peroxide will also kill bacteria that grow on fruits and vegetables.”

So, it may be added for the above reasons to any fertilizer and not just to ammonia.


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Many higher fungi actually even produce their own hydrogen peroxide to digest cellulose and lignin.
It is how they cause whitening or bleaching of wood.

Many of the bacteria that live in concert with the hyphae of the fungi produce their own peroxidase enabling them to withstand the action of the fungal peroxides.
It's a rather interesting topic with a lot of potential applications that can be gleaned from knowledge of it.

It is said that hydrogen peroxide solution (3%) is a good way to treat fungus gnats, but in my experience you can literally drench them in it and they are not harmed by it. I've poured it right from the bottle onto infestations in cactus seedlings and watched them live right through it.  It is much less effective against fungus gnats than online claims indicate, at least in my experience.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2023, 01:04:35 AM by Endophyte »
Your loss.


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Its interesting that plants create H2O2 in response to stress and it can actually reach toxic levels within the cells.

H2O2 does an amazing job at controlling cobweb mold and is how I mainly use it.
Best time to sow is 5 years ago...