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Author Topic: PORTAble PROPAgation labinabox; the PORTA-PROPA proto-type  (Read 3008 times)


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idea i've been thinking about trying.. feel free to post your ideas for improvement.
A portable glove-box, with all the prepared culture vials and other supplies needed.
Take it hiking or to botanical garden and collect samples of plants and mushrooms.

Most vials contains a prepared media for mushrooms, and ms-media for plants..
for clean-up; some vials contain bleach-water-soap, alcohol, h202, and pure H20.
or it might better to have small cups that one can pour the sterilizing liquids into.
Other supplies;
metal scalpel,
long tweezers,
sterile dry-naps,
rubber gloves
lighter or alc.lamp or other means for sterilizing your tools
a sterile spray like lysole/ is optional

The box will be clear plastic, with a good sealing lid,
also it will have a battery powered ozone generator.

The challenge is finding the right box.. something like this, in bigger size with a better sealing lid..

we all come from the garden and to it we shall return


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Re: PORTAble PROPAgation labinabox; the PORTA-PROPA proto-type
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2021, 09:28:39 AM »

i was thinking about a very similar idea the other day. i am far less knowledgeable than you though, so can't offer much advice, but would love to see how you end up putting this together so i can take notes for my own version.


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Re: PORTAble PROPAgation labinabox; the PORTA-PROPA proto-type
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2021, 10:22:41 PM »

Cool!  8) please post any pictures for us if you make one!
i'm no expert, just read a few how to guides and videos..
at this stage still looking for that perfect sized plastic box.
i received order of 1000 plastic test tubes for this project,
they were cheap on ebay, only 25$ but non-sterile no lids,
Also got some lids 15$ so now i need to find a way to sterilize 1000 plastic test tubes,
it probably would have been a lot easier to spend a little extra on the sterile tubes ha.

i'm thinking soapy bleach bath, to water bath to wash off bleach,
then quick run in the pressure steamer while sealed in plastic bag..
the problem is if they get to hot it warps into useless abstract art.

Also i might try just turning on ozone in a sealed box with tubes.
we all come from the garden and to it we shall return


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Re: PORTAble PROPAgation labinabox; the PORTA-PROPA proto-type
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2021, 03:15:19 PM »

great deal on the tubes

i don't think the bleach step is necessary if you are going to pressure sterilize them. the pressure cooker should do a proper sterilization alone.

i re-use polypropylene containers for agar plates, which people say melt if re-used, but it seems to me as long as you allow the pressure cooker to cool slowly and do not release the pressure then they keep their shape. i only use a 10psi cooker though and i run them for an hour.
hopefully they survive, my fingers are crossed!

it has taken me so long to reply you might have even done it by now. hopefully it went okay if so.


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Re: PORTAble PROPAgation labinabox; the PORTA-PROPA proto-type
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2021, 09:11:27 PM »

i'm pretty positive this plastic would melt, and it's to many extra steps and contam risk,
so i decided to just use those for rooting cuttings.. which so far seems to be going good.
instead i got some sterile glass ones/no caps, also some sterilized plastic ones with caps.

i've got plenty now, here is two of the best glass tube deals currently on ebay 1000/35$;
we all come from the garden and to it we shall return


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Re: PORTAble PROPAgation labinabox; the PORTA-PROPA proto-type
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2021, 12:50:54 PM »

always better off with glass. thanks for the links.