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Author Topic: Temperatures & plants. How low can it go? (Community research thread)  (Read 89834 times)


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Re: Temperatures & plants. How low can it go? (Community research thread)
« Reply #60 on: January 07, 2016, 08:42:42 PM »

I usually overwinter the Mimosas and Acacias indoors for the first year.

My Acacia Melanoxylon plants are over 8 feet and have taken 2 months of nearly freezing temperatures, often times dipping below freezing(-1C)
Also, it was the first time in my life I've seen snow on the foliage of an Acacia.
Wish I had my camera with me.
The Acacia Melanoxylon was sprouted in April 2014 and has been on windowsill and moved outside since March 2015.

The base is very woody and there does not seem to be any dead foliage yet.
This is exciting, I got my fingaz crossed that the plant will make it to Winter 2017

1=Acacia Melanoxylon(plant 1)
2=Acacia Melanoxylon(plant 1)
3=Acacia Melanoxylon(plant 2, a bit smaller than plant 1)
4=Acacia Decurrens forming weird foliage. This has occurred a few times previously before freezing conditions...
« Last Edit: May 19, 2016, 08:38:27 PM by AcaciaAve »
Grow Phalaris grass
Climb Acacia Trees


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Re: Temperatures & plants. How low can it go? (Community research thread)
« Reply #61 on: January 07, 2016, 10:31:07 PM »

Yeah, my  tiny little house is sooooo full of plants already, I decided to give it a shot. Fail. The Mimosa was over 5' and everything!

Congratulations on the Acacia! You have it planted in CA?
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Re: Temperatures & plants. How low can it go? (Community research thread)
« Reply #62 on: January 08, 2016, 12:28:31 AM »

There are some in CA...
...but this one's in WA...
Grow Phalaris grass
Climb Acacia Trees

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Re: Temperatures & plants. How low can it go? (Community research thread)
« Reply #63 on: January 08, 2016, 03:23:10 AM »

Ill add pics this weekend but I have let a  pot of pereskiopsis remain outside this winter as an experiment.

It sits against a wall so it is sheltered some, but so far we have had many below freezing nights and even a recent dip into the high teens. 

All three primary stalks are doing fine and the only damage so far was on some of the branches of the stalk furthest from the wall. 


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Re: Temperatures & plants. How low can it go? (Community research thread)
« Reply #64 on: January 08, 2016, 07:46:18 AM »

Most, if not all, of my potted chacruna leaves have survived without the need for an artificial humidity dome here in sunny FL for a good 6+ months. As long as the soil is kept well watered and they're kept outside, I've noticed they seem to survive as well as ever, and also tend to produce sprouts faster than when kept in a humidity dome/ziplock bag.

Also, a 4 inch tall, 4 month old Acacia Simplex has survived constant outside temps throughout the winter and is still healthy but is growing slower than it would warmer, tropical conditions. Will keep it outside, probably transplanting soon. Will keep updated as to whether it lives or dies as the season drags on towards spring.

Recently, winter has hit the state, sending temperatures down into the forties and high thirties at night. So far, not narry a Chacruna kept outdoors come cold or a heat wave has died; those which have shriveled up the most were those set in well-draining perlite/vermiculite-rich soil mixtures while those in miracle grow potting soil seldom shriveled up regardless of temperature. I will keep the community updated as January progresses.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2016, 05:53:44 PM by Mangrove »
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Re: Temperatures & plants. How low can it go? (Community research thread)
« Reply #65 on: January 16, 2016, 12:01:57 AM »

My e novos have survived temps in the 40's but if it gets to the low 40's I will take them in. My outdoor kratom has survived freezes. It dies back and then grow again from the base. My b caapi has done the same. A freeze will kill everything above ground except maybe the thickest part but by late summer its bigger than before.


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Phalaris Arundinacea "Big Medecine"

I've planted outside in Garden, temp can go down here in winter to -15 C.
No problem at all, i need to pay attention that it got not to invasive.  :D



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Re: Temperatures & plants. How low can it go? (Community research thread)
« Reply #67 on: July 17, 2016, 04:58:52 PM »

USDA Hardiness zones

N. America
S. America
« Last Edit: December 12, 2016, 04:24:12 AM by Chicsa »


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Re: Temperatures & plants. How low can it go? (Community research thread)
« Reply #68 on: September 28, 2016, 03:40:35 AM »

It reached just below freezing last night and several housplants took a beating even in the cold frame. Orchids, psychotria and caapi first to show dislike. Cofee did fine as did mitagrina and pereskiopsis.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2016, 03:44:40 AM by Tragicfalacygtr2 »
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Re: Temperatures & plants. How low can it go? (Community research thread)
« Reply #69 on: November 27, 2016, 08:44:44 PM »

I am in zone 5 there are so many cool plants I just can't grow  .

it gets as low a -10f  to -20f  ,

my potted figs and cactus come inside and into a cod dark room  in basement for several months of winter .

but the plants that won't go dormant it's  more difficult .


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Re: Temperatures & plants. How low can it go? (Community research thread)
« Reply #70 on: November 27, 2016, 11:22:01 PM »

So last year I was very concerned about my Hovenia Dulcis, it had serious mite issues in the summer, dropped all leaves prenmaturely and grew them back very late. So I decided to keep it warm indoors hoping for life. This year its bug free, about two years old and it didnt shed leaves yet, altho it hits freezing point at night. I expect it to shed the leaves as soon as it gets colder. Quick research showed its fine down to -20 or -30 C, once mature. I will see how the young plant does this winter, and I will keep track of the lowest temperaturwe it will ever hit.
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Re: Temperatures & plants. How low can it go? (Community research thread)
« Reply #71 on: December 12, 2016, 01:55:46 AM »

so far this year i've let some guys sit out in the cold. im not too keen on letting them die, so cant give the LOWEST possible temps, but figured id note what im observing.

Botanical Name                         Lived/Died       Temp. (C)   Hours   Age     Zone   Environment

Acacia maidenii                           lived                     -2               8+       3-4yr?     8B        potted under cover

Brugmansia sanguinea                 lived                   0                 8+         4yr         8B        potted under cover
Brugmansia sp. "double white"     lived                   0                 8+         6yr         8B        potted under cover

Capsicum pubescens                   died                    0                 8+         1 & 2yr   8B       potted under cover
Iochroma australis                      lived                   0                 8+         2yr         8B        potted, under cover

Solandra sp.                              Lived                    -2                 8+         5yr        8B        potted, under cover

Trichocereus bridgesii                 lived                   -2               8+         3yr         8B        potted, under cover
Trichocereus pachanoi                lived                   -2               8+         3yr         8B        potted, under cover
Trichocereus sp. Bk????             lived                   -2                8+        4-5yr       8B        potted, under cover

so some more details: its been getting colder here, days are about 7C, nights have been dancing around 0C, with occasional dips down to bout -2C. been like this for a week or two. i think we had some precipitation last weekend, but i was out of town. the weather app said it was supposed to get down to -3C last week, but when i checked that morning, i think it was saying it was only round 0C still. this week it has deff gotten down a little lower, like -2C at least for a few hours most nights. last week, when the app said -3, i brought in the brugmansia capsicum and the iochroma. capsicum already have some fungus, not looking soo hot, but if they die, i think it will be the adjusting/spidermites indoors that will do them in, in their already weekend state. bruggies and iochroma have been stunted for at least a month, but dont show much signs of cold damage.
the cacti haven't been watered since probably September, so they're pretty dry. they seem okay. i did have a huge 6 footer and another 4 footer get a lil wet a few years ago, and temps in the -6-0C, and they froze, then melted when they thawed, drowned in their own goo. soo sad. really dont want that to happen again, so any tips on symptoms to look for to tell if they're not happy (before it too late!) would be appreciated.
the acacia seems to be loving it. its sprouting new leaves & phyllodes. i expect to have some warning of chlorosis/necrosis on young leaves when its getting too cold, am i correct? i don't mind some die back, but i feel so bad when i let plants die, especially the more mature they get.
Solandra has been fairly dormant as well. it does get some water drips on a few leaves, but the soils dry. i brought it indoors today cause i see the leaves starting to fade and wilt, especially the ones exposed to the water drips. says it was -2C last night.

so all of these plants have been outdoors under cover for a good week, some two weeks, with night temps down to -2-0C. cacti and acacia are still outside, everything else is indoors now. for cover, i have a few loose sliding glass doors that i lean on the side of the house and pile plants under. solandra was on front porch, getting drips from roof runoff.

« Last Edit: December 06, 2018, 05:46:37 AM by XDX »


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Re: Temperatures & plants. How low can it go? (Community research thread)
« Reply #72 on: December 14, 2016, 01:52:03 AM »

Hey folks-

This year I planted a small PC Trichocereus pachanoi in the ground in the garden. I also left an Acacia burkitii outside in a pot that I started just this year.

I flipped a pot upside down over the PC, the Acacia is out in the elements.

They have both been snowed on and been in temperatures down to 22F (-5.5 C) overnight several times. They are both still alive so far. The PC was frozen solid feeling & came out of it.
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Re: Temperatures & plants. How low can it go? (Community research thread)
« Reply #73 on: January 21, 2017, 06:20:33 PM »

Last year i planted P. Somniferum late with little attention to whether they germinated. I was surprised in the spring to find that they were not only germinated but growing rapidly. Even before the spinach started growing! This past fall i did a fifty foot row and even now after months of cold, some temps below zero degrees F, Zone 4, they seem to be doing ok. I dont remember where i acquired this seed, but i was under the impression that most somniferum is not this hardy.

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Of all the great threads here, this one has been the most helpful for me. And I look forward to hearing more Acacia results from those, especially in zones 8 and colder. 

For now, I can say that Desmanthus leptolobus and Peganum harmala survived a 2016/2017 USDA zone 7 winter, both in the ground and unprotected.  Lowest temps were around -7C on a few nights, sustained for around 8 hours. The D.l. were about 6 months old, and the P.h. were mature root transplants. Of course, both dropped all foliage and went dormant, resprouting in April and February, respectively.
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