Happy to have finally joined, after reading various things on here over the years! I'm a British academic, although in a completely unrelated area - plants are more of a hobby and mild obsession.
I grow a number of species as houseplants due to lack of a garden, with my most recent successes being two very prolific kanna plants apparently intent on taking over the world, a coffee sapling I've grown from a bean, several Sida cordifolias including one grown hydroponically, two Lagochilus inebrians, and several varieties of coleus. I also have a collection of seeds, which I am keen to share and swap with like-minded people, hence my signing up here. I am particularly interested in finding seeds for a particular set of Psychotria, Palicourea and Eumachia species, especially Eumachia frutescens (AKA Hodgkinsonia frutescens) - turns out it's quite challenging to find in the UK!
If you have any questions, just ask!