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Author Topic: Hi everyone  (Read 11051 times)


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Hi everyone
« on: August 17, 2024, 03:00:25 AM »

Hey it's boogie shoe here. Love me some plaaaaaants bruv! Lol yeah no ive been gardening like 3 decades now
And amassed quite the medical and ethno garden. Love it. I've quite a few gems.

Buy there's always another fish in the sea I gotta catch ..cant wait to trade. I'll update a plant list for everyone soon. Lately I've been cloning p. Nexus the original like Cray Cray . I can't wait to hear everyone's stories . im from the usa btw. Love international sites ....so much culture !!! Cheers everyone
Is that a huffy? Ricky Bobby's dad


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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2024, 04:51:54 AM »

Huh. No welcome committee . must be the weekend.

I was looking at my thunder ayahuasca that i had shipped in years ago from kiwiboancaya or spelled somewhat like that , lol you guys ever deal with that guy??? He was always hard to get to respond for emails and shipping was a hoot too. But he d always send interesting plants.

One off which was this banisteriopsis of some type , def not a caapi but what i liked about it was it s growth rate was unmatched by anything I had resembling a caapi.

Caapi is already quick to me but this thing would root in the high humid area sometimes and was so vege compared to most caapi i have . like it takes a long long long time to get Woody . ive never drank it . but I pulled leaves off it tonight bc I though heck I'll try it just a bit to see. I was going to make clones too .

So I grabbed some ceilo cutting and 8 or so of that bad boy . I figure I may as well offer one or two or three up so that someone else can grow this rare banisteriopsis. I may be mistaken and its not even banisteriopsis but it's def Malpighiaceae.

Ive never got it to flower so it's hard to see just yet .

Curious .
Is that a huffy? Ricky Bobby's dad


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Re: Hi everyone
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2024, 09:35:46 PM »

Yeah it seems that forums aren't as alive as they once were. I suspect many online forum communities have migrated so Facebook groups, reddit, etc.
I just recently joined and am hoping I can still find community on these spaces although I'm anticipating much slower responses. 😅