Hi everyone, I'm River_Lotus.
I maintain a witch's garden: the garden has many plants that are perfumes, medicines, and magickal plants, as well as some that I have just connected with. At the time of this posting, I have about 100 species in my collection and quite a few more on the way, as well as several species of (edible/medicinal) mushrooms. There are so many plants that are impossible to find, but it looks like some people here have a few tips to help me. I am working towards mastery of Veneficium (The use of nightshades and poisons, such as datura, belladonna, and mandrake as entheogens and medicine). My experience so far with it has been very positive so if you want to learn about it, ask me!
I maintain a seed library dedicated to occult usage. It's still in its infancy but I hope in the coming months more plants become available. Perhaps something I acquire here will end up there