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Author Topic: Easy Cappi Propogation  (Read 8015 times)


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Easy Cappi Propogation
« on: June 05, 2020, 05:31:11 AM »

Seems to propogate pretty easily in a bubble cloner using just a cheap airstone, air pump, water filtered through an inline hose filter and a humidity dome if you have one.


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Re: Easy Cappi Propogation
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2020, 11:42:06 AM »

It might surprise you but even some cacti and other plants associated with dry conditions can be propagated hydrophonically http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTotal-YYXB200703031.htm

Are you checking your water temperature and EC/TDS? How many days did it take?


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Re: Easy Cappi Propogation
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2020, 06:41:23 PM »

Looking great, how long before you got those roots?

Just started working with a Clone King 36.  How essential do we think the air stone is for aeroponic?  I have one I can add, just seems like the aeroponic nature of the cloner should oxygenate the water enough, or is the concern that not enough O2 enters the chamber and hence it can get anoxic?  I understand it for bubbler, but I think oftentimes people call something a bubble cloner when it's actually aeroponic, so I'm wanting some clarity.

I've also read that aeroponic cloners do not require a humidity dome and it can even promote rot.  Anyone have experience with this?
« Last Edit: September 01, 2020, 06:43:11 PM by jbz711 »
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Re: Easy Cappi Propogation
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2020, 02:36:58 AM »

@rainbowslug never checked EC for em caapi has never been finicky about tap water so I just use that with a chlorine filter attached.
& yep I've grown grafts on pereskiopsis in this as well :) cool what can grow in

@jbz711 I got them to root in a little under a month but I was using only water next time I'm going to try water with a bit of kelp meal mixed in to see if it helps rooting a bit quicker.. I do need to build a humidity clear dome as I tried this again and all failed to root without the tote I had placed over the ones pictured here.

Great info thank you! I will def use it to propagate my sallys if I can get them healthy again.

I need to make a humidity dome that actually fits my cloner lol mine came without one :(



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Re: Easy Cappi Propogation
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2021, 08:14:53 AM »

nice plants!  caapi seems pretty willing to root for sure.  here we usually ground layer.  every time pull out stems running along the ground, they are covered in roots.  never had much luck with green soft cuttings though.  well done!