Hi everyone, glad to be here. Been growing caapi and other interesting plants on the Florida Gulf Coast for over 15 years. Not a huge expert, but I've learned a thing or two.
All my vines are strictly in ground. I received 3 vines 16 years ago from another Florida grower not far south of me. Through years of care, and then even more years of total neglect, it has grown to a half-acre jungle of mostly ayahuasca, killing every other plant in it's path, even mature oak trees.
Also been growing Trichocereus spp and Rivea Corymbosa for the same length of time. Lately starting up Acacia confusa and Anadenanthera colubrina from seed, which is going great so far. I previously grew some chocolate plants, P viridis and HBWR- but all those died in a freeze event one year.
Again, glad to be here and happy to help if I can. Maybe give away some rooted vine or fresh seeds. Maybe learn a few things about Acacia growing or germinating caapi seeds?