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Author Topic: Growing D. Wrightii from cuttings  (Read 5719 times)


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Growing D. Wrightii from cuttings
« on: March 15, 2019, 07:09:39 PM »

Hi, I live in an area where D. Wrightii are native and I have seen a few plants. I want to try and take a cutting and propagate from there. My question is, how would I go about doing that?
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Re: Growing D. Wrightii from cuttings
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2019, 08:27:21 PM »

Take a handful of seeds and grow those. Really isn't any point to cuttings with this species of Datura as D. wrightii will generally start to have a few sprouts germinate in less than 24 hours if you simply soak them in water. But, if you wanted to have some fun... graft a few tips into the top of a tomato plant. Grab some parafilm, a sharp razor blade, and your good to go. Slice your scion down both sides to form a "v" or tapered end. And make a horizontal cut through your tomato stock. Then a single cut vertically down the middle 1/2 inch should do the trick. Wrap tightly with parafilm and your good to hook. Remove top leaves from your scion and remember a shorter scion 1inch exposed out of the graft is preferable to an overly large scion as it will not dry out as fast on you. Next, place in a humidity dome... plastic bottle, plastic bag, whatever works for you. 2 weeks later and you can remove humidity, but I'd leave the wrap in place as the grafted plant will grow right through it.
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