Hello all. My name is Lucas. I live outside of Austin TX. I work at a garden center, some greenhouse work, some plant sales and consultations for a living.
This isn't my first membership. I've been on a handful of forums and regular member on a few invite only ones. Point being, I understand the etiquette expected of a new member and what you regulars do not want to see (I would assume). You won't get any BS from me.
I LOVE the concept. I have tried to trade plants on a few Facebook groups, including the Psychoactive Plants group. Every time I post a proposed trade I end just getting 10 people wanting to buy the plants from me instead of trade. I love the no selling rule.. It keeps this thing pure.
Anyway.. I'm primarily an entheogenic plant collector. Just an idea of what I have been propagating lately. (This is NOT a trade proposal, I am not full member yet).
Mitragyna Speciousa
- Bumble Bee
- pink vein into
- green Malaysian
Salvia Divinorum
Caapi Vines
- Red
- Cielo
- White
- Tucanaca
- Black (not 100% positive this one really is Alicia A)
Many different Acacia
You get the picture..
I do have some non entheo.. I have a one off agave hybrid that no one can identify.. Very cool one. I have a Achmea Del Mar and have plans to expand my Aechmea collection.
I like philodendrons.. Other tropical.. Mainly a tropical guy.
Anyway.. Sorry to make such long intro. Thanks for approving my registration . Take care y'all.