Hello!!! I am pleased to join this community. My name is Jason. I have been growing plants my entire life. My dream in this life is to operate my own nursery and I am working very hard to achieve this goal. I am currently specializing in the propagation of cacti. Mainly Trichocereus, Ariocarpus, and Astrophytum. I have a large collection of Trichocereus I am growing and I have planted over 3000 seedlings this fall. Most of my seed has been sourced from Misplant, Patrick Noll (Trichocereus.net) and Huan Shuma (Chavin Herbalists) I have had experience in the past growing a wide variety of medicinal plants and starting this spring I look forward to rebuilding my gardens in my new home. I currently have Caapi and Chacruna seeds to sow but have experience with growing Desmanthus Illinoensis, Syrian Rue, and Mimosa Hostillis. I also plan on starting some HBWR, and ololiqui. I have some HBWR seed from my old plants and I hope they are still viable It flowered the last season I was at my previous residence after growing for 6 years from seed. I unfortunately missed it and was only able to harvest the seed pods. I hope to have lots of Tricho seedlings and cuttings available to trade in the coming months. I am an avid trader in the FB Tricuocereus groups and one of my acquaintances through those groups told me I needed to get involved in this group. I leave you with a warm farewell and a couple pictures of some plants!