i have just recently moved to maui, from a subarctic wilderness, so i am very excited about the prospects of growing tropical plants in a beautiful paradise.
i recently germinated and planted 6 mimosa hostilis (more yet have germinated this morning, i have yet to check) and two of them have popped their head up since being planted (in a fairly large pot, just dug up some red dirt from the ground, it seems like poor substrate - very dense and not well draining - but the plants seem to love it so far)
got a heavenly blue morning glory (and lots more seeds where that came from - first i will see how it handles the blazing sun) going putting out its second leaf (fourth if you include cotyledons). a good 4 inches tall.
i planted a couple germinated passiflora, but no sign of those (local organic passionfruit are easy to come by, so i will try planting some of those in the future) i hear the seeds can take months to germinate, so i guess i was lucky to get 2 to germinate so early (that was from a small sample of my seeds - considering planting all of those to see if i get some more early germinations - maybe i will have better luck with proper soil)
all of my ololiuqui seeds have burst on germination, and the only guess i can come up with, is that i shouldn't have soaked them like i did after they became swollen, i should have just planted them - so i am going to attempt another batch of those and hopefully that goes well.
i have a real interest in getting my hands on some malpighiaceae vines (particularly banisteriopsis muricata, but really all of them intrigue me), and lophophora.. diffusa seeds
i have a few trich' seeds left (i grew some and slaughtered some in my previous sub-arctic habitat - where the living ones now continue their merry lives without me
) mostly achuma and macrogonus, which i plan on planting.
i have some artemisia absinthium seeds that i have no real plans on using. along with a considerable amount of grandpa ott's morning glory and a few lilac poppy seeds.
anyways, i figure that is enough rambling about myself for now.
love the site, btw. great concept