Hello all! Its my pleasure to be a new member of these amazing forums.
It seems this place has more than a wealth of knowledge persisting in it, and continuously being added to! I ran across this site in my research, as I am new to the wonderful world of enthobotanicals, and find them more than intriguing and enticing than any other aspect of my life(besides my wife and soon to come daughter
). I love cultivating things, even from a young age in my grandmother's garden. I have always wanted to be a part of something more than myself, and I believe teaching, and being a shaman for my friends and people I meet along this road we call life, is my true calling. I more recently have dabbled into the world of psychedelics and found that in the forefront of tripping you don't immediately gain anything, but after a good amount of time in sobriety I've found what they truly teach you. I believe now that all life is valuable. Even the smallest insect, to the biggest trees. in turn we all affect each other on an enormous scale. I find that the propagation of plants is more of a growth process for the human growing them rather than that of the plant. You learn discipline, profound respect, as well as how the effects love and care truly have an impact on everything.
I hope I can contribute to this astonishing website, and continue the spring of intelligence that flows from it.
Thank you all for your time; and may peace and growth be upon you. -