I'm sure its useful for some things, but its not more accurate for climates controlling effect on what one can grow in a garden.
In a garden one can regulate water dosage, soil chemistry, sun intensity and direct sunlight time, and to a marginal degree even humidity. What one cant have tremendous control over is winter low temps, which köppen ratings ignore. Look at the map, part of the northernmost region of alaska is the same köppen zone as a large chunk of new mexico! Peyote wont grow above the arctic circle...
Its true that a major limitation of the USDA zone system is its ignoring of overall climate type but that can be remedied easily enough. I typically report my zone as 'semi-arid zone 7a' and, to an experienced gardener, it gives quite a good idea of what can and cant be grown here inside a garden or out in the scrubland.
At the best my 'cheats' for effecting zone effect on a given plant can only move me up or down one full zone ranking unless I bring plants indoors.
USDA zone maps for, effectively, the whole world are available. Recently I've been frequently looking up USDA zone data for mainland china.