i cant take a picture until tomorrow but will as soon as i can. It wasn't rooted or watered when planted. My thought was that i planted it before it fully calloused maybe..
I highly doubt it was anything caused by you:
I've had trouble with some of the scions/grafting stock from that round of grafting. Though it hasn't happened to any of the other SS02 scions. The Helen and Khronos scions seemed to fare the worst. I think the some of the grafting stock sat too long before I used it. I'm not 100% sure though.
Is the grafting stock mushy? Has it developed a transparency when you hold it up to a light? Is any part of the SS02 scion still green and not shriveled?
I've had scions get rot on 1/2 of it but after a good amount of time, they still pushed out pups from the green side of the scion. But if the grafting stock is having trouble too, it's probably a goner.
Next Spring I'd be happy to make another graft or two for you.