Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis - work in progress
Short introduction
This soil bacteria is the primary component in commercial pesticides like GnatOff and Gnatrol. It is a remarkable microbe that produce toxins that target flea larva, in particular the pests blackflies and fungus gnats. Once exposed to the toxin the larva's hormone balance is impaired and it stops feeding resulting in death within 24 hours. This bacteria seem to have little impact on other organisms than flea larva, which make it an ecologically friendly option for pest control, particularly indoors.
Bti cultivation experiment
I got the motivation to try cultivating Bti after discussing it in another thread about Psychotria Nexus, after reading a few articles on how to cultivate Bti I decided to give it a go. Since there seem to be several other members interested in experimenting with this I thought we might as well keep track of any progress in a separate topic.
A few suggestions, more on the way
Protein sources
Nutritional yeast
Soy bean flour
Malt extract
Potato flour
Corn flour
Glucose syrup
Corn syrup
I'll update with more info links and info later when I get the full version of some research articles..