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Author Topic: This makes me pissed  (Read 15626 times)


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This makes me pissed
« on: September 03, 2014, 11:52:10 PM »

Why didnt you tell me before degrading me!? (eg delete my post that was merely an experience i have done already and i wanted to share) I'm really pissed off I FEEL LIKE IM IN SCHOOL again! i mean i cant even reply to your pm as i would like to! What should one do in this case if not express his disdain.. Please grow up i could tell a cop what i have written previously without him raising an eyebrow. Nevertheless it is unacceptable and i demand to speak with someone this is clearly an abuse.
PS if you cancel this and pretend it never happened ill simply spam my way to noobsville again Im sorry because it was the only community i felt to be a part of but this is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE
Zone: Caput Mundi


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Re: This makes me pissed
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2014, 01:25:01 AM »


We've worked with you on a number of occasions to help you acclimate to STS.

You're post history shows very little regard for the FAQ and standards of STS.

Quote from: FAQ
2. No Discussion of Illegal Activities. This includes topics like trading or smuggling illegal goods and materials, and discussions about procuring, preparing or consuming scheduled compounds. The only exceptions are discussions about the historical, traditional use of plants containing scheduled compounds by the cultures that coexisted with them

Furthermore, the FAQ points you to a Fungi FAQ where you would have read this:

Quote from: Fungi FAQ
Discussing, posting photos of, or any references to psycho-active species of amanitas or any fungi containing psilocybin, psilocin, and/or baeocystin is not allowed. As explained by STS's FAQ:


New Wisdom

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Re: This makes me pissed
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2014, 02:19:56 AM »

The reason I demoted you without prior warning is because we have already issued you several warnings before you were promoted for rule violations.  Your promotion was based on the fact that you said you would further comply with the rules, and you have not done that, clearly.

I'm sorry if you do not agree with them, but they are here for a reason.  All of our other members follow them and it is clearly set out that if you do not comply you can be banned or demoted.  This is no special treatment towards you. It is how we handle reoccuring rule violations in any case. Please do not take personal offense to our actions.

New Wisdom
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Re: This makes me pissed
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2014, 12:26:52 PM »


I've been following, albeit intermittently, your posts and responses to various threads. I am in no way reprimanding you, but rather trying to understand what your intentions are when interacting with the community. I'm assuming your interests are inline with the goals of STS? If not, please enlighten the members so we can better understand you.

At this point the only thing i want to say is (and i mean it)
I fully understand the rules and the reasons for all of this misunderstanding :)
and i'd like to add that i thank you for the time you took off to write such a detailed explanation.
I'm certain there won't be any misunderstandings from now on.

You stated this in one of your previous posts. If you believe the moderators have acted unfairly towards you then I must have a distorted understanding of what "fairness or to be fair" entails. They have allowed  you numerous chances to continue interacting with the community, both on an informational and trading level. You'll notice that seeds are not bought here (Unless it is an organised co-op or personal agreement between traders - even then it is done so privately), the engagement between members here is based on rules designed to facilitate the unique transactions that occur here. Again here, I am trying to understand what your motives are. If it is to merely acquire seeds, then there are plenty of other ways to obtain your seeds of interest.

It appears to me that you don't quite

.. fully understand the rules and the reasons for all of this misunderstanding :)

If this was the case would the actions that are taken against you still occur?

I'm glad that you're still around as I believe you (along with every other member of this community)  have something to contribute to this community. Mandrake and the moderators do a fantastic job here, and to be honest the manner in which you responded in this thread makes me sincerely concerned as to why you continue to violate the rules. You obviously want to be part of this community and the moderators (and Mandrake) have given you almost every possible chance to do so. That being said, you also have to do your part.

I'm sorry if this in anyway offended you, but I am trying to understand your side here.



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Re: This makes me pissed
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2014, 08:29:00 PM »

All the points made so far are clear and reasonable and needless to say I support the decisions of moderators.

For a short version - every community has its rules. Generally, and STS is no exception, the rules are there for a reason, not as a whim. You agreed to follow these rules when you accepted the STS registration agreement. Of course you can disagree with the rules. But the fact you disagree with them does not entitle you to break them and still get the same privileges as anyone who respects them. No one required so much effort to explain something so simple since this community opened over a year ago.

If someone starts singing in a library, the staff will make sure they see the "silence" sign and ask them to please be quiet. And if they sing again, they will be asked to leave if they cannot refrain from singing. Can you imagine someone complaining and calling that "an abuse"?

Since this appears to you as "completely unacceptable" you obviously do not understand the rules, or if you do, you don't respect them. And that is precisely the definition for me of "unacceptable", since you repeatedly agreed to follow them. It's you who is in fault, not the moderators.

I suggest you to leave and join another community. You will find many places where you can discuss the topics you want to discuss without conflicting with the community rules. But apparently STS is not the right place for you.




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Re: This makes me pissed
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2014, 12:10:48 AM »

Zone: Caput Mundi


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Re: This makes me pissed
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2014, 04:45:42 AM »

I'm sorry that you're angry, 23...and I understand why you're mad. But they've given you ample chances to find your niche in the community and yet you keep breaking rules, sometimes blatantly. What gives? A lot of forums out there have a huge page of rules. STS only has 5 and they are very simple. We have had other members break rules once and learn from their mistakes, myself included. I don't understand why you're having such difficulty adjusting.

Happy, Wisdom, Mandrake-

You guys are by far the most lenient mods I have ever seen, and I've been a member of several forums over the years. I have never seen a member get any where close to this much slack after breaking so many rules so many times. I'm honestly surprised you are handling it like this, and I'm happy you're doing it this way. I love the fact that on STS 'mod' is not synonymous with 'god' as it is on a lot of forums. Some forum mods would have completely suppressed this thread and banned him without letting him speak his mind. Please never change. <3

That's all.

Peace and love


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Re: This makes me pissed
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2014, 11:17:46 AM »


Thanks for your feedback.
