I've been following, albeit intermittently, your posts and responses to various threads. I am in no way reprimanding you, but rather trying to understand what your intentions are when interacting with the community. I'm assuming your interests are inline with the goals of STS? If not, please enlighten the members so we can better understand you.
At this point the only thing i want to say is (and i mean it)
I fully understand the rules and the reasons for all of this misunderstanding 
and i'd like to add that i thank you for the time you took off to write such a detailed explanation.
I'm certain there won't be any misunderstandings from now on.
You stated this in one of your previous posts. If you believe the moderators have acted unfairly towards you then I must have a distorted understanding of what "fairness or to be fair" entails. They have allowed you numerous chances to continue interacting with the community, both on an informational and trading level. You'll notice that seeds are not bought here (Unless it is an organised co-op or personal agreement between traders - even then it is done so privately), the engagement between members here is based on rules designed to facilitate the unique transactions that occur here. Again here, I am trying to understand what your motives are. If it is to merely acquire seeds, then there are plenty of other ways to obtain your seeds of interest.
It appears to me that you don't quite
.. fully understand the rules and the reasons for all of this misunderstanding 
If this was the case would the actions that are taken against you still occur?
I'm glad that you're still around as I believe you (along with every other member of this community) have something to contribute to this community. Mandrake and the moderators do a fantastic job here, and to be honest the manner in which you responded in this thread makes me sincerely concerned as to why you continue to violate the rules. You obviously want to be part of this community and the moderators (and Mandrake) have given you almost every possible chance to do so. That being said, you also have to do your part.
I'm sorry if this in anyway offended you, but I am trying to understand your side here.