Last week I noticed a seed pod split open on my Astrophytum Ornatum - the seeds are hybrid, but I collected them, dried them on a kitchen towel for a few days, cleaned off the pod fibres, and decided to sow them. They might make some nice gift plants - Mrs C is always after any spare cacti I might have - to give away. There are about 200 seeds, and I have no idea what the other parent is at present. So I sterilised a mix of loam and sand, and sprinkled 100 of the seeds on top, covering them with bird grit. This was Monday evening.
This morning (Wednesday), just 36 hours after sowing, a handful had actually germinated - I couldn´t believe it - and certainly a record for me in 57 years of growing. Currently, Wednesday evening -about a dozen are up !!! I am gobsmacked with the speed of this !!