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Author Topic: Introducing myself, Saros  (Read 6858 times)


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Introducing myself, Saros
« on: May 17, 2013, 09:51:30 PM »

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to introduce myself and say how excited I am to see this site becoming a reality.

Although I've been growing things for as long as I can remember (helping my mother in the garden when I was younger and later, leaving a trail of little veggie patches as I moved from place to place), I didn't get serious about it until about two years ago when my wife and I bought our home and really put down roots of our own.

We're both a little plant crazy but we figure there are worse problems to have;-) Most of our efforts are dedicated to growing food and herbs for ourselves. But I also have a fascination with entheobotanical and other rare/exotic plants.

Growing is therapeutic for me.. my real world job is stressful, stuck in a cubicle every day staring at a wall of computer screens.. when I'm home, I like to completely unplug and reconnect with the earth by getting my hands dirty in the garden and spending quality time with my plant friends.

Anyway, I'd like to leave you all with a picture that I took the other morning in my greenhouse. A praying mantis ootheca hatched among my plants.. Here are two on a Psychotria Alba blossom..


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Re: Introducing myself, Saros
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2013, 02:15:35 PM »

Thank you Saros for your introduction post and for sharing a really beautiful picture. I can easily relate to everything you wrote.

Glad to have you, welcome to STS  :)


New Wisdom

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Re: Introducing myself, Saros
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2013, 03:58:41 AM »

Amazing picture. I feel you man. I'm in a cubical all day. Coming back to my garden is a way to get me out of the corporate mindset. 

Welcome my friend.
Cactus = Life