So I've had this Bridgesii Monstrosus for several months. I think it has some sort of fungal infection going on though. It was in pretty bad shape when I got it and being new to cacti, I didn't do it any favors. I over watered it at first and it got pretty squishy. I thought it was going to give up on life all together, but fortunately it didn't.
I figured out the watering schedule after that and most of the new green growth at the top has been since then. So it's growing at a decent rate IMO and the dark, questionable, areas haven't advanced as far as I can tell.
But I'm wondering if it would be wise to cut off the unaffected tip and graft onto a Peres or try to root it.
Anyway, I'm just trying to come up with a care plan for this one since I'm thinking the infection or whatever it is, won't simply go away on it's own. What would you cacti gurus do if it were your baby? =)