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 on: January 14, 2025, 12:28:21 AM 
Started by geezer - Last post by Bach

Hey Geezer!

Sorry about the slings and arrows. I think most of us are in the same boat of late.

Paw paw needs a male to pollinate. They usually recommend one male for up to three or four females.

And sorry I don't have any. They are fussy to ship I hear. Prob best to source from a nursery, online or otherwise. I think Logee's used to carry them.

 on: January 02, 2025, 05:49:39 AM 
Started by fideles-aru - Last post by fideles-aru
Hey, thanks for the reply! My balcony gets only afternoon sun. Honestly that's one of my main concerns with all of the plants I'm thinking of growing, since any plant out there would only get about half as much continuous sunlight as out in the open. The cactus is an interesting option though and I'll add it to my list. It's probably a good idea to try several plants to see what sticks and what doesn't given my lack of experience. I'm curious how well indoor growing with a light works for some of these plants if the balcony doesn't work out.

 on: January 02, 2025, 01:26:28 AM 
Started by fideles-aru - Last post by MadBotanist
Hello and welcome.
Yes I'm pretty sure that sharing cuttings or divisions is permitted.
It's the only way to make sure a cultivar is true to type.
How much sun does your balcony get? You should look into trichocereus, they'd grow really
Well in zone 9.

 on: January 02, 2025, 01:21:37 AM 
Started by virginiatrayne@gmail.com - Last post by MadBotanist
Welcome! I hope you get back on your feet soon. One of the best things you can grow in a garden plot is sunchokes.

 on: December 30, 2024, 06:12:13 AM 
Started by fideles-aru - Last post by fideles-aru
Hey all! I don't have a lot of experience, but I'm happy to see what's out there and eventually give back to the community.
I took a plant biology class in college which sparked my interest in plants and it's utterly fascinating how complex and varied these little (or not so little) guys are. Now I'm looking to start a garden of my own. I currently live in an apartment, so I don't have much outdoor space apart from a small balcony, but I'm hoping to make it the greenest balcony ever (+my bedroom)! I also like cooking and am hoping to cultivate a variety of herbs (fresh herbs are always wayyyy better than dried). Someday when I can afford a proper house I want to make a big garden and source most of my food from it. Apart from herbs, I'm looking to grow some or all of P. Viridis, Acacia Acuminata, B. Caapi, and some Phalaris strains. Speaking of Phalaris, I've read that there's a lot of variability in the strains; is it common on this site to share cuttings or full plants in order to preserve the genetics of a particular variety?

Other details, I live in USDA zone 9. Have a great day!

 on: December 28, 2024, 07:39:06 PM 
Started by virginiatrayne@gmail.com - Last post by virginiatrayne@gmail.com
... and I'm looking forward to exploring everything further. I'm currently homeless in SC and trying to find some seeds for a garden I have permission to plant in the spring. I have been scavenging seeds from fruits and vegetables from the food pantry and grocery store. So far, all I have saved 1 tomato variety and one pepper variety. As you all know, the food has to be ripe for the seeds to be viable.

Anyway, I have a couple of months to get prepared so you may see me poking around here for tips and stuff. Thanks for letting me join. Love y'all! Happy Holidays!

P.S. You can call me Virginia ;-) I've attached my favorite companion gardening guide to share with you.

 on: December 18, 2024, 03:31:44 PM 
Started by Sunshine - Last post by Taita
Hello all!
I found out by looking for rare plants in USA and someone along the way told me to come here. I have been working with Plants and Sacred Medicines for a very long time. My teacher was Taita Querubin Queta of the Cofán Tribe from the Colombian Amazonand a Non-Profit called Sacred Amazonia which is a Reforestation Project (www.SacredAmazonia.org) I am in the Amazon every 3-4 months. You can follow me on IG @DoctorKambo and @SacredAmazonia

 on: December 15, 2024, 09:28:13 PM 
Started by Sunshine - Last post by Dr Confusa
I saw it mentioned on dmt nexus, Googled it and here i am.

 on: November 30, 2024, 03:06:22 PM 
Started by geezer - Last post by MadPlanter
I believe they do need a pollinator. I do have 2 trees in my yard but no fruit set yet. Maybe this coming spring.

 on: November 30, 2024, 02:26:52 AM 
Started by Pollinator - Last post by BucketChemist
Glutinosa may grow somewhat more quickly than recognita, but it might require some selective breeding work to get a strain optimised for Sal A or B. One would still require a mountain of leaf material for anything other than confirmatory analytical work otherwise.

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