Argyreia nervosa var nervosa "Ingham fractal" (well that's what the locals dubbed it, for obvious reasons)
Its quite a bit different to the original/standard Argyreia nervosa var nervosa that's grows everywhere along the highways of northern Qld and Hawaii.(so I am told, never to Hawaii myself)
This seed was collected straight off the mother, in the rainforest of Ingham, Queensland.
Wider than my chest, like a strangler fig, and a long, long, way up. If anyone is in that part of OZ, I can give rough directions.
Its HUGE so you can't really miss it.
Vines growing just a couple km up the road are a pretty poor substitute for this one. I am on the 5th generation of hand/self pollinating it, and the unique differences seem to be breeding true.
Completely different in all the ways that matter to the Argyreia nervosa var speciosa that's so common around Brisbane.
Got hammered in the flooding, looks like it will pull through ok, but not much happening since then. Should have a few spare seeds for trade around Christmas with any luck.
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