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Author Topic: Soil pasteurization in a smoker for the seed starting of fire adapted species  (Read 7370 times)


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  • Posts: 18

I had an idea and might try it out. I've read that many acacia species are fire adapted and that the compounds found in smoke will improve germination. I have a electric smoker that is basically set and forget.
I am considering using it to pasteurize some seed starting mix for acacias to help prevent damping off, and also adding smoke compounds to aide in germination.
I guess liquid smoke can also be used to water/mist seedlings of fire adapted species although I'm pretty
sure that it needs to be diluted. Anyone ever try this? If I don't use the smoker I'll use the house oven for plain ol' heat pasteurizatuon, so I really don't see a downside to giving it a try.