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Author Topic: Greetings from down under  (Read 23522 times)


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Greetings from down under
« on: May 18, 2024, 05:33:37 AM »

Hey fellow green thumbs! :)

Nice to be here. Found STS through it's better known other half and feel I should fit in well here/have plenty to contribute.

I am a bit of an acacia head! I love growing different species of "wattle" (as we call it in Australia). Some of my favourites include Acacia floribunda, Acacia obtusifolia, Acacia granitica, Acacia mucronata and it's various sub species and Acacia stricta. The green and gold is our national emblem here and it's scent in spring time is close to the hearts of many Aussies.

I have lots of interesting Acacia seeds I'd love to share which I will post more about. In particular I am working on making good 'type' strain of Acacia floribunda available to members as it's one there has much confusion about. Anyways.. its raining here and I have stuff outside about to get wet.. so bye for now and look forward to engaging.



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Re: Greetings from down under
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2024, 06:01:40 AM »

Hey fellow green thumbs! :)

Nice to be here. Found STS through it's better known other half and feel I should fit in well here/have plenty to contribute.

I am a bit of an acacia head! I love growing different species of "wattle" (as we call it in Australia). Some of my favourites include Acacia floribunda, Acacia obtusifolia, Acacia granitica, Acacia mucronata and it's various sub species and Acacia stricta. The green and gold is our national emblem here and it's scent in spring time is close to the hearts of many Aussies.

I have lots of interesting Acacia seeds I'd love to share which I will post more about. In particular I am working on making good 'type' strain of Acacia floribunda available to members as it's one there has much confusion about. Anyways.. its raining here and I have stuff outside about to get wet.. so bye for now and look forward to engaging.

Welcome to STS,  from a part ausie who lives in Canada 🇨🇦.    One of ,my favorite places to travel to.  Have lots of family down under. 
Glad you were able to find your way over to the sister site. 

This Place really has a special void that it fills, and is full of wonderful grow information!

Look forward to hearing more about your Acacia growing.  If you have the time bash up a grow log and share some of yout gardens. 

We have some rain here to for the long weekend,  but will turn to snow this evening.   So had to haul my cacti back in the house 🏡.   

Do take some time and review the rules of sts,  as unlike the sister site there are certain topics we don't cover here.

Look forward to seeing you around the forums.
The best time to plant seeds was 5 years ago; the next best time is right now!



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Re: Greetings from down under
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2024, 11:47:36 AM »

Thanks SKUNK :) .. the rules are indeed quite different so I'm glad you brought that up.

Yep I'd be happy to post a grow log. I've brought my plants up in a large hoophouse - but recently moved into my own house so they're now hardening in the garden for the cold winter looming ahead. I'll get some of them in the ground very soon.

Will get working on a bit of a grow log/tutorial for Acacia if that helps? I have a similar thing on the nexus so much will be copy and pasted if thats ok.. if not let me know and I'll start anew.


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Re: Greetings from down under
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2024, 07:11:33 PM »

Thanks SKUNK :) .. the rules are indeed quite different so I'm glad you brought that up.

Yep I'd be happy to post a grow log. I've brought my plants up in a large hoophouse - but recently moved into my own house so they're now hardening in the garden for the cold winter looming ahead. I'll get some of them in the ground very soon.

Will get working on a bit of a grow log/tutorial for Acacia if that helps? I have a similar thing on the nexus so much will be copy and pasted if thats ok.. if not let me know and I'll start anew.

Sometimes people miss the rules,  and talk about stuff not related to cultivation of plants and more or other aspects..  helps keep a low profile and focus on sharing and growing out special plants.

Site seems a little slow as of recently.  But looks like the trade area is still plugging along.   Would be nice to see STS as busy as it was back in it's heyday when I joined back in 2016

Would love to hear more about your Acacia growing,  always been fascinated with Acacia and have tried in the past to grow it and wouldn't mind having another attempt at growing it again. 

Ya definitely get a grow log going and share some of your garden and any advice of information you care to share ,  I'm sure others would be interested and Benifit from the knowledge.   

Look forward to seeing you around the forums.
The best time to plant seeds was 5 years ago; the next best time is right now!



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Re: Greetings from down under
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2024, 09:29:31 PM »

Welcome. I'm also interested in Acacia mucronata. I live in a temperate climate and I've seen a few reports of mucronata surviving hard frosts. It will die back to the base but re-grow in spring. Simply amazing. I have seen a few photos of such plans putting on new growth.


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Re: Greetings from down under
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2024, 07:19:52 AM »

Hi there willows or others :) we talked on nexus. Im a kiwi whom currently is taking a break from work to focus on rehealing my PTSD atm. I have done a couple of organic hort papers and enjoy growing my own veges but consider myself still beginner but am very enthusiastic. I smoke medical weed but have always had an interest in entheos. Hence i am here. so hoping that someone may have advice around naturally occurring DMT in plant species in NZ? I find the idea of being able to plant medicine amazing. If someone has any cuttings or seeds that would be cool or if anyone has any tips of where to look? I live near a place (famous for rhododendrons) with lots of gardens so the adventure kinda sounds fun.


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Re: Greetings from down under
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2024, 07:40:34 AM »

Hey, badlyspeltnmae.. I’d be happy to share some floribunda seeds. Feel free to inbox me the details of where to send. There are definitely active floribunda in NZ as the nexus member CheeseCat has pioneered.   I don’t know where to look but maybe see if there site that shares coordinates of different species in New Zealand.


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Re: Greetings from down under
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2024, 08:29:58 AM »

Trying to send a message but it says that im not allowed to currently? will keep trying. Yes Cheese is impressive! I am inspired by his efforts to preserve and grow what he has it is so neat.