Hey fellow green thumbs! 
Nice to be here. Found STS through it's better known other half and feel I should fit in well here/have plenty to contribute.
I am a bit of an acacia head! I love growing different species of "wattle" (as we call it in Australia). Some of my favourites include Acacia floribunda, Acacia obtusifolia, Acacia granitica, Acacia mucronata and it's various sub species and Acacia stricta. The green and gold is our national emblem here and it's scent in spring time is close to the hearts of many Aussies.
I have lots of interesting Acacia seeds I'd love to share which I will post more about. In particular I am working on making good 'type' strain of Acacia floribunda available to members as it's one there has much confusion about. Anyways.. its raining here and I have stuff outside about to get wet.. so bye for now and look forward to engaging.
Welcome to STS, from a part ausie who lives in Canada 🇨🇦. One of ,my favorite places to travel to. Have lots of family down under.
Glad you were able to find your way over to the sister site.
This Place really has a special void that it fills, and is full of wonderful grow information!
Look forward to hearing more about your Acacia growing. If you have the time bash up a grow log and share some of yout gardens.
We have some rain here to for the long weekend, but will turn to snow this evening. So had to haul my cacti back in the house 🏡.
Do take some time and review the rules of sts, as unlike the sister site there are certain topics we don't cover here.
Look forward to seeing you around the forums.