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Author Topic: colorful smelling coleus/plectranthus/salvia cross-breeding project  (Read 8215 times)


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the goal is colorful leaved coleus, crossed with it's close relative with scented leaves; salvias or plectranthus.
via cross-pollination or maybe callus culture of the two grown together in-vitro.

coleus grows fast and easy from seeds, and flowers pretty fast, so it's good subject.
the plectranthus i have though never has flowered, so just waiting on some flowers.
scented salvia maybe another possible cross, same family, same flowers and stems.

..whoever can grow scented colorful coleus, automatically pass go and collect 200M
we all come from the garden and to it we shall return


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Re: colorful smelling coleus/plectranthus/salvia cross-breeding project
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2022, 12:45:43 AM »

Nice! thanks i hope that we work out a trade in the future.
i have a plectranthus amboinicus and one variegated type,
and lots of color-leaf coleus(blumei?) of different varieties.

to think it over, salvias might be the best bet for any success.
plectranthus have succulent leaves, and don't have square stems,
but the coleus have square stems, and thin leaves, like salvias.
salvia-Dvn would be good one to try, if you can send some pollen,
it would take a long time to figure out if that was successful cross..
maybe i could send you some coleus polen to try on your salvias,
it would be quicker to know results by leaf color, without testing.

..this is at least a year long experiment until there are any seeds
and i realize this probably wont work, but it's easy and worth a try.

i had a grape scented salvia, and melon scented salvia,
but unfortunately they died soon after i planted outside.
i might try those again, only about 6$ from Richter's
we all come from the garden and to it we shall return