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Author Topic: sticky goo from the sky is damaging plants and animals  (Read 5314 times)


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sticky goo from the sky is damaging plants and animals
« on: October 01, 2021, 01:16:25 AM »

-i could have wrecked because of the goo coating the windows.
after squeegeeing with soapy water three times,
 the goo is still on there, and i still can't see out the windows.
-today i notice the goo is making some plants it landed on sick,
 when they should be looking healthy in the recent nice weather.
-this maybe quincidental but chickens have been acting strange,
staying under the shelter or in trees, and not foraging in yard,
they act very hungry, though they are getting fed twice as much.

-i feed my pet leaf and stick bugs bramble leaves from outside.
The last leaves i harvested has these drops all over them,
i haven't noticed any dying or anything, but now that i think
about it, i'm worried they might get stuck on the sticky stuff.
UPDATE: i just checked on the bugs, and they don't seem to be eating the leaves! they are on the leaves, but not eating, this is not good.

-anything i touch outside, the resin sticks on skin,
it's difficult to avoid touching.. it's on everything,
and if alot of resin/goo gets on my skin.. on my arm for example.
and is not washed off, the skin soon begins to get somewhat
inflammed/red/ichy, and this stops once it's washed off.
-further more, the tiny droplets 'splatter pattern',
looks like they have been sprayed from a nozel/mister.
-even coating all over the yard covering about an acre,
but i have not seen any goo anywhere else in the city..
there is a peanut field next door, and i know whenever the farmer is out there because i can hear his tractor running very clearly, and he has not been out there in weeks, so i don't think it's a fertilizer.

-most of my rare ethno collection was outside and now has gooey leaves.

this one plant, the orchid cactus,
it's completely covered in goo..
it had so much pooled up in places,
i was sure i could fill 1/2 a vial,
but the goo turns out to have a really odd viscocity..
when trying to scrape it off, it sticks to itself, and pulls back,
not just sticky, almost like if you might imagine a living blob..
so i was able to nudge enough goo in one place to collect one drop.
it was all stuck on the rim of the vial, so i set it standing up,
and about 30 minutes later, the baby blob collected into a drop..

« Last Edit: October 01, 2021, 01:22:30 AM by ONandONandON »
we all come from the garden and to it we shall return


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Re: sticky goo from the sky is damaging plants and animals
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2021, 01:20:07 AM »

the shiny bright areas is the goo reflecting light..  :'(
i stuck a feather on there to show how sticky it is,

i know from the window squeegee not cleaning it off, it's not water OR soap soluable,
it seems that the only way it comes off is slowwwly pooling together and dripping off.

« Last Edit: October 01, 2021, 01:36:18 AM by ONandONandON »
we all come from the garden and to it we shall return


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Re: sticky goo from the sky is damaging plants and animals
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2021, 03:26:03 AM »

so i found this news story claiming it's 'aphid excrement'
i call BS! there is no F'ing way there is that many aphids!
if there is, why don't i find a single aphid on the plants?
nice try media, this is some kind of new evil biowpon..
kill the plants, kill the bugs, soon everything else dies.

« Last Edit: October 01, 2021, 03:29:06 AM by ONandONandON »
we all come from the garden and to it we shall return


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Re: sticky goo from the sky is damaging plants and animals
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2021, 11:26:17 PM »

Are there any farmers doing airplane crop spraying in your area??
Maybe drift of something they applying or perhaps something that's just been dumped in air..
Pilots of aircraft do this kinda stuff regularly
Hope it doesn't do any permanent damage
 ::Sounds terrible
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Re: sticky goo from the sky is damaging plants and animals
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2021, 06:30:03 AM »

i was getting worried, but i think it will be ok now, because the sticky dew seems to have just stopped,
and someone i asked told me sap is falling on other cars under trees right now, so im not the only one.

ok i guess it's aphid-honeydew after all, who knew there were so many aphids in the trees!
..just for fun some pictures of ants farming aphids like pet chickens to drink the honeydew..

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Re: sticky goo from the sky is damaging plants and animals
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2021, 03:49:13 AM »

I did once have a plant that always seemed sickly but i could never detect any real infestation, the occassional bug maybe... One day I moved it and found a layer of goo, literally a centimeter thick in some places, all around where the pot has been sitting. That made the case clear, its not the plant thats in bad shape but rather my eyesight  ::)
There are lice that have perfected this method, some are forming their environment that way.

The OP sound a bit like an introduction to an ARG tho, maybe you can make it into one, the goo game.
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