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Author Topic: Purple Trichocereus worth breeding for?  (Read 9606 times)


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Purple Trichocereus worth breeding for?
« on: March 07, 2018, 11:43:48 PM »

Not sure if this will work, but given that purple strains of cannabis were bred from strains that originally only showed purple in the winter months only... I think perhaps we could do the same with Trichocereus that show purple during winter months as well.

Out of my many grafted seedlings... I only have a few this year that showed signs of purple during the winter. The rest as you can see had little or no purple in comparison.

Any thoughts on this my friends? Is it worth breeding those that express the most purple together in hopes of improving that trait like what has been achieved with cannabis?
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Re: Purple Trichocereus worth breeding for?
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2018, 09:16:20 PM »

That's awesOM! Great observation. Go for it, if anyone is qualified and setup to try, it's you!  8) 8) 8)
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Re: Purple Trichocereus worth breeding for?
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2018, 02:10:11 AM »

until proven otherwise, the color "purple" is the result of UVa damage/ sunburn rather than a coloration from natural pigmentation.

not saying it's not possible.  But if you were to GMO it with a japanese maple's coloration gene set it would be doable.

Personally, for the effort I'd rather see people expend their energies on developing Psilocybin producing bacteria (e.coli) or even a edible plant than bothering with this type of aesthetic project.   Since the metabolic/gene code pathway has now been identified,  it's now just a CRISPR tech gene set that needs to be inserted totally viable.
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