Hi Guys,
Plants have literally changed my life and my outlook on life in general. I used to have issues with all sorts of addictions, been to many doctors and psychologists to try and stop my destructive behaviour, but all these pharmacuetical approaches did was temporarily suspend at best, or make things worse.
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My life is no longer ruled by medications, alcohol and bad stimulants. I am finally, after 15 years of struggling, no longer a slave.
My mind has been freed of the prison it was in and I have come to see that plants, those amazing living things that help sustain our lives on the most basic level by providing oxygen to our environment, also have the ability to teach, sustain and cure us of many ailments and diseases both of mind and body.
I am on a crusade to collect, grow and nurture as many of the amazing plants as I can get my hands on. I have some seeds I have an excess on to trade with - one being Nicotina Rustica also called Aztec Tobacco. I am looking for medicinal and psychoactive plants and seeds to add to my collection. Caapi, Psychotria Viridis, chaliponga, and any other that yoiu guys might think are interesting.
Thank you for this cool forum! :-)