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Author Topic: inexpensive and natural mycorrhizal fungi specific for Psychotria Viridis?  (Read 18801 times)


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Re: inexpensive and natural mycorrhizal fungi specific for Psychotria Viridis?
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2015, 04:20:36 AM »

Lotsa good info here. Sidebar but related: Teeming with Microbes is a good read on this very topic.
Also, assuming you are looking at spent coffee grounds you could get a garbage bag full, inoculate the bag with some harvested or bought like Earth Juice Rooters Mychorizae(safer and quicker) and let it sit under some heat for a while then the desired effect might be obtained in a somewhat controlled fashion. Molds seem likely but with some peroxide or other non toxic controls could be minimized.

  Without lab tests you can never be sure what your cultering

Mayabe what your trying to culture goes strong for a while, then one day for what ever reason it gets some other strain of bacteria in their that changes the whole chemistry of the batch, mayabe it's great, mayabe it's harmfull. Without testing their is no way to know.

  I work at a waste water treatment plant, we basicaly culture bacteria to treat the water to remove nutrients, The same exact process can have drasticly different results due to varying amounts of different bacteria's in the water.  And a billion dollor process amounts to a crap shot, sometime's we wind up sterlizing the whole plant contents and starting from the beggining with a "seed load" from a properly functining plant.

 On a side note I tryed myco-blast last year, and think it worked very well, I have nothing to compare the results to but I will be buying more this year
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