Reading the other introductions, I realise mine is a bit short, so let me give a little more detail about myself.
I'm early 30s, male and have been living in this part of ZA for the last 5 years. The climate here is Mediterranean (which if you know ZA should give you a clue as to where I live!)
My interest in Entheogens started towards the end of high school, but I only started collecting them in the last 4 years or so.
I started with Trichocereus sp., because they're easy to get hold of, but now that my cacti collection is fairly well established I'm looking at others.
Lucky enough to have been gifted some Salvia. I was gifted my Catha Edulis a few years back and got flowers for the first time this year so I thought it's time to share some seeds! It's apparently a very good strain, and has nice narrow leaves.
@LIBERTYNY: Enjoy winter! Yes, sadly the info on C. Edulis is pretty scarce, but they're fairly easy to grow. I'll see if I can get the person who gifted me my plant to join here, as he used to grow it on a large scale. But I'll definitely check out your thread once it's up.