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Author Topic: Do you have pictures of Passiflora seeds?  (Read 7517 times)


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Do you have pictures of Passiflora seeds?
« on: May 17, 2015, 04:42:38 PM »

I was visiting a flower park in another city, and I found a big passion flower vine.
It only had fresh and dried flowers on it. not anything else resembling a fruit.
Out of luck, I decided to pick some of the dried flowers, hoping they do contain a few seeds for me to grow.

One dried flower contained nothing.
But the other contained 3 hard seed-ish black objects inside. I'm still not sure if these are seeds or not.
Can you post any pictures of true passion flower seeds, so I can compare mine to them?
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Re: Do you have pictures of Passiflora seeds?
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2015, 05:39:03 PM »

I have successfully (and unsuccessfully) harvested wild passionflower seeds. 
IME the viable seeds only come long after the fruit is rotted (I imagine its one of those that needs to be eaten by critters and 'processed' this way).   The green fruits will have seeds, but they look pale (like citrus seeds) and soft and are not likely to germinate. 

Remember the spot and come back later when the fruits are matured (a deep orange for p. incarnata) more and these will yield brownish hard seeds that will be viable. 

As for appearance, this guy has a pretty serious website devoted to the plant with tons of images.

Good luck, its a beautiful plant with very rewarding properties. 