Little more light, maybe ?
I'm by far no expert on Salvia D seedlings, like most here keep that in mind
Thanks for the comment I appreciate hearing it.
This week was a particularly cloudy week, maybe received 8 hrs sun total, mostly cloud cover. On a sunny day they get a maximum of 1200 footcandles and for only an hour or so, and then 700 f/c down to 300 f/c for the rest of the day. Cloudy days bring an avg of aprox 160 f/c. I'm careful not to give them any direct sun, which reads aprox 8000 f/c now.
It's springtime here, so they're following the natural light cycle and gradually getting more and more intense indirect light as the days go by. I'm hesitant to give any supplemental lighting just because I am unsure how the seedlings will react and I want to limit my interference. I have to imagine that if these seedlings were in the wild they probably wouldn't be getting too many f/c, so hopefully my thinking is correct in this but as the season progresses, yes they will be receiving more light as they grow older