Hey now-
I am so excited to see this forum! I have been involved in a few other communities like this. I am an herbalist/wildcrafter living in the temperate rainforest in the NW corner of the US.
The plants that are talked about in this forum have changed my life for the better and are some of my best friends and allies.
I have been growing Trichocereus species for many years, although I have lost a lot of them due to freezes, currently I have a bunch of pachanoi cuttings that I harvested from a beautiful mama plant in Southern California that are doing well, pupping out. I also live with one last cutting from a T. peruvianas that I have been living with for about 8 years. The mother plant died in the last freeze but a friend of mine who is 5 years old was asking me what I liked to do with my cacti. I told her the truth which is 'mostly I take cuttings from them and grow more cacti to give away'. She wanted to see how I did that so we made a cutting, I put it inside, then all the cactus that were outside died.
I have also been keeping Salvia divinorum for some years just keep making cuttings and growing them out, such a beautiful plant.
I have Banisteriopsis caapi growing, although it is a baby and having a hard time in the winter.
I am really wanting to grow cactus from seed, and to learn more about ways to grow plants in the winter with added light and heat that will not be so expensive in terms of electricity.
I am maybe getting some seeds of a small, button shaped cactus that often grows in Texes/Mexico that is rather endangered, and I want to make them as good a home as I can, which will probably involve lights/heat.
I would love to get some of my cuttings out into the world, as they take up a lot of space in my tiny house, and do some trading.
O, yeah, I also grew out a bunch of Silene capensis from seed this year, they are sleeping for the winter but are doing so good!
Love & love,