What's up y'all?
So I just received some seeds in the mail today from Peru; problem is, nothing is labeled.
I have a list of what should be here, but they aren't matched up. Soo, here's what I think (some research, some guesswork, some POE), but I'd like a lil confirmation from folks here, so please correct me if I'm wrong...
1. Bobinsana (Calliandra angustifolia)
2. Chiric sanango (Brunfelsia grandiflora)
3. Croton lechlery
4. "White ayahuasca" (anyone have the botanical name for this one??)
5. Tabernaemontana undulata
6. Psychotria viridis
7. Alicia anisopetala
8. Banisteriopsis muricata
9. Ayahuma (Couroupita guianensis)
Sorry there's a glare, but I'm at work and don't want to take them out of the baggies til I get home.
The abbreviations on the baggies next to the numbers were written by me, not necessarily accurate...
Let me know what you think, thanks!