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Author Topic: [STS] Welcome New Members!  (Read 82809 times)


  • Administrator
  • Karma: 432
  • Posts: 664
  • Trading Score: +13
[STS] Welcome New Members!
« on: May 18, 2013, 05:15:07 PM »

Hello and Welcome to Share The Seeds!

Thank you for joining! I wish you a very rewarding and positive experience in the community.

As a personal introduction, please leave a little post in this forum section telling a little about yourself, why you decided to join, a little about your gardening experience or about what do you expect to give and receive... or anything relevant you feel like sharing. Let the community know you.

At the moment, you will have access to some of the areas of the forum - General STS Site Discussion, Botany and Research, Gardening Area, Gardening Reference and Resources and General and Off Topic discussions. In order to gain access to the rest of the sections, including the Trading Area among others, you will need to be promoted to Member. Please note that promotion is required in order to be able to send/reply to Personal Messages, and to participate in trades.

Promotion is awarded by the site staff according to different aspects shown by new members, and it is not the result of a specific number of posts. Simply introduce yourself, take some time to fill the grow/share/wish lists in your user profile, participate in discussions you can join... and it would be great if you bring to the site a contribution of your choice: New pictures for our plant galleries, growing tips or info about one plant family or species in the Gardening Area, some useful online resource you know... your pick. General consensus is that becoming a full Member is worth the little effort, so let us know you better!

Please take a look at the STS FAQ to solve any simple questions you might have, and please take note of the STS Rules.

I hope your stay is long and fruitful!

- Mandrake
« Last Edit: October 26, 2013, 03:44:02 PM by Mandrake »