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Author Topic: Psychotria Identification: viridis & alba  (Read 83655 times)


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Re: Psychotria Identification: viridis & alba
« Reply #30 on: August 15, 2014, 04:52:08 PM »

SoulGrower.. among the Alba leaves I sent you, 2 were definitely Alba, and 2 were from a plant that was sold to me as viridis (but was definitely not) I assumed this was Alba as well which is why I put them in the same bag.

However, I have noticed that this particular plant looks a little different than the one that certainly is Alba.. the leaves are slightly narrower, and pointier. Perhaps this is actually Carthagenesis? This is also the one that is flowering (white flowers). It's pretty much been flowering constantly since I got it when it was just a small 8" rooted cutting. Now it's about 2.5ft tall and has also grown a little taller and lankier than the Alba. That may just be from a difference in growing conditions though the two have been under very similar conditions and diet for most of their life with me:-)

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Re: Psychotria Identification: viridis & alba
« Reply #31 on: August 15, 2014, 05:18:23 PM »

I really want to get to the bottom of this. The plant in question is mature enough to propagate from, so it's sharable to new members. I'm going to take more pics this evening or tomorrow to compare against my known viridis that have been in the same growing conditions and see if we can get a consensus here or at the other forum.


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Re: Psychotria Identification: viridis & alba
« Reply #32 on: August 15, 2014, 05:59:53 PM »

With the only options left being viridis and nexus, in all likelihood it's Psychotria viridis; considering nexus is a new hybrid and only certain vendors even have it so far, I just don't see them accidentally giving you a nexus. Unless that vendor has Psychotria nexus for sale too....


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Re: Psychotria Identification: viridis & alba
« Reply #33 on: August 15, 2014, 09:09:29 PM »

Saros.. yeah, you mentioned in PM about sending me carthagensis, but the leaves you sent me were labeled alba.. so I assumed that you sent me alba and didn't want to bother to ask you if they were actually carthagenensis.  And they looked like my alba.  Did you also send me two Nexus leaves?  wrapped up with the Nexus plantlet?  That's what I assumed

Since then, another member has sent me carthagenensis leaves and I suspect they are correctly ID'd.  They are definitely more narrow than any of the other psychotrias I have.  And pointier.  FP's plant looks very similar to them.  The only difference is that my carthagenensis don't have those appendages.  I don't remember if the margins extend all the way down the petiole (like viridis).

I will unpot some of my leaves later and take pictures in a side by side comparison, to hopefully clearly show the differences.. as I should have one of each right now.

Can anyone confirm if Nexus has the appendages?  If it doesn't, I believe your plant is a viridis FP.

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Re: Psychotria Identification: viridis & alba
« Reply #34 on: August 15, 2014, 10:06:57 PM »

SoulGrower, yeah, until this discussion I was under the impression Alba and Carthagenesis were different names for the same plant.

The two leaves packed in with the nexus plantlet are definitely Nexus. They were from a young plant so I wouldn't count on them having all the characteristics of a mature Nexus yet. I'll check my larger Nexus plants to see what characteristics they have (though all of my nexus plants are < 8mo old).

Of the four leaves in the bag labeled "Alba", two were slightly larger and wider. They are Alba. Originally gotten as leaf cuttings from WSS 2 years ago. I trust their ID. The other 2 that are slightly smaller & narrower are from a seller named Visionary Botanicals on ecrater.com. They were sold as viridis, but when I noticed the wavy leaves, and how they don't go all the way to the stem, and white flowers, I figured it was just another Alba... but now I'm second guessing that. So if you can figure out which of the four leaves those were, probably best to label them as "Mystery Psychotria" for now:-p



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Re: Psychotria Identification: viridis & alba
« Reply #35 on: August 16, 2014, 02:19:05 AM »

Well, I checked my nexus plants and they do not have the appendages, but neither do my viridis so I think all my plants are just too young or maybe not in optional conditions to form them.

I came across this thread which looks real interesting but I can't view the pictures..


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Re: Psychotria Identification: viridis & alba
« Reply #36 on: August 16, 2014, 06:41:32 PM »

Some P. alba, P. carthagenensis and P. viridis pics

I thought the link would go to the research I did. Actually the link goes to the search page. Just put "Psychotria" in the Gender field and observe  characteristics of the various species

« Last Edit: August 17, 2014, 01:40:02 AM by EIRN »


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Re: Psychotria Identification: viridis & alba
« Reply #37 on: August 17, 2014, 03:58:07 AM »

Thanks for sharing that EIRN,
The main difference I notice between the pics of alba and carthaginensis photos is that alba seems to have veins in the leaves directly across from each other while in the carthaginensis pics the veins are mostly alternating. Is that a reliable distinguishing trait or just coincidence?


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Re: Psychotria Identification: viridis & alba
« Reply #38 on: August 17, 2014, 04:40:11 AM »

Thanks for sharing that EIRN,
The main difference I notice between the pics of alba and carthaginensis photos is that alba seems to have veins in the leaves directly across from each other while in the carthaginensis pics the veins are mostly alternating. Is that a reliable distinguishing trait or just coincidence?

explain that exceeds my ability to write in English, but I will try.

Normally the leaves of lanceolate and are flat carthagenensis. While alba is more rounded and undulating.
The Stipules are different. the beginning of the sprouting of leaves are also different.
But pics are not good to show those caracteristichs

About veins I can't tell nothing. I never payed attention on this.

If I remember I will take some pics of a Alba form my friend and my carthagenensis.



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Re: Psychotria Identification: viridis & alba & carthagenensis & nexus
« Reply #39 on: August 17, 2014, 11:52:36 PM »

Unfortunately, I only have one viridis leaf and it is well rooted with plantlets, so it wasn't the best for a side by side comparison.

I attached pics of carthagenensis and alba side by side.  Margins extend down petiole comparably.  Veins are similar.  The alba has wavy leaf margins.  The carthagenensis has a bit of an 'S' curvature to it and it is more pointy.

The carthagenensis is on top.  Alba on bottom.
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Re: Psychotria Identification: viridis & alba
« Reply #40 on: February 07, 2015, 12:55:25 AM »

Late to the party but I thought I'd post this link to a similar discussion where we ironed all this out a few years ago.
Post #83 shows some bona fide viridis. Pay attention to the pics showing the structure of the inflorescences and fruit.

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« Last Edit: April 29, 2015, 06:37:19 AM by Bach »
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Re: Psychotria Identification: viridis & alba
« Reply #41 on: April 19, 2015, 07:19:48 PM »

« Last Edit: April 19, 2015, 08:34:42 PM by happyconcacti »


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Re: Psychotria Identification: viridis & alba
« Reply #42 on: October 06, 2015, 02:51:58 AM »

I've just got to post this one too:

It's an old thread but there is mention of 6 Brazilian cultivars that capture my curiosity:

-orelha de duende
-branca pingada
-olho roxo

I am attempting to collect as many of the named cultivars as I can so I would appreciate any information anyone might have about these.

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Re: Psychotria Identification: viridis & alba
« Reply #43 on: October 06, 2015, 03:07:02 AM »

I've just got to post this one too:

It's an old thread but there is mention of 6 Brazilian cultivars that capture my curiosity:

-orelha de duende
-branca pingada
-olho roxo

I am attempting to collect as many of the named cultivars as I can so I would appreciate any information anyone might have about these.

The brazilian forum is offline...I was a member....anyway the post didn't have good info, just some leaves pics...this isn't enough to get the ID....olho roxo, for example, is about the stipule...looking only to a leaf you can't see the stipule.



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Re: Psychotria Identification: viridis & alba
« Reply #44 on: October 06, 2015, 03:22:01 AM »

Best time to sow is 5 years ago...
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