I discovered the joy of gardening fairly recently.
Im mainly interested in edible fruit as well as plants with medicinal value.
My collection currently consists of tree tomato fruit (orange as well as red), white fig, lemon, fruit salad, rocket, marogo (wild spinach), pineapple (started growing from the leaf crown on the fruit), mulberry, strawberry, pomegranate (bearing fruit at moment), watermelon
Aloe vera, cat mint, spearmint, elephants food, bushman's tea, lemon thyme, thyme, garlic, chives, mesembryanthemum, tortoise bush, onion and red onion, Venus flytrap. I look forward to start 2 variations of chili bushes soon and also garlic. I want to use these to prepare an organic insecticide if needed.
I would like to add more plants to my medicine garden. Hoodia, kanna, manna, nabbas, and of course anything else I discover from here onwards or that is recommended to me.
All of this started after purchasing 9 different rose bushes and seeing them flower shortly after planting them.
If anyone has advice on removing aphids on a lemon tree. I am really struggling to eradicate this and I don't want to use poison / harmful chemicals. I have tried the water and dish soap method. It helps but does not completely rid the plague.