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Author Topic: Hello Seeders and Planters :)  (Read 7294 times)


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Hello Seeders and Planters :)
« on: March 12, 2014, 09:11:24 AM »

I had joined a while ago but finally getting to posting :)

Hope everybody is doing alright!

I'm a plant enthusiast, and have been planting different things for years, specially fruit trees, as well as some ethnobotanicals. Unfortunately due to moving a lot, the only plant that I have at the moment with me is a 60cm San Pedro cutting..... But I`d like to change that since I just moved into a new house with a good space to grow things in a sunny terrace, and a fine weather (warm temperate, almost subtropical zone).

I`m interested in planting all kinds of ethnobotanicals possible, but will most definitely need to be doing a lot of reading and asking questions to you guys!

Thanks for this wonderful site!


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Re: Hello Seeders and Planters :)
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2014, 10:59:18 AM »

Welcome ashiata! It's great to have you here and I'm happy to hear you now have the space to grow :) I hope to grow some fruit trees in the near future so it's good to know you have experience in that department.

Be sure to check out the Giveaways subforum if you're ever looking to expand your collection ;) I hope you enjoy your time here at STS!
The more I talk to birds, the better I get.


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Re: Hello Seeders and Planters :)
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2014, 11:12:17 AM »

Hello ashiata and thanks for joining us,

in order to have access to the Giveaways forum isaak suggested (and the Trading Area, among others) you'll need a promotion to full member. If you become a little active, contribute with some posts, growing experience or pictures, that should happen very soon.

Please take a look to the community Rules and FAQ if you have any questions.

Looking forward to see you around, welcome to STS.



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Re: Hello Seeders and Planters :)
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2014, 12:54:06 PM »

Hello ashiata :)

Enjoy your stay !
“Though the problems of the world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple.”  Bill Mollison

"You can solve all the worlds problems in a garden" Geoff Lawton


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Re: Hello Seeders and Planters :)
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2014, 01:33:39 PM »

Excelent, thanks for the welcome!

Isaak, what are you planning on growing?

I was lucky to live in tropical area for a long time, it was just too easy growing fruit trees, basically all I had to do most times was just dig a large hole in the ground, fill with a mix of local earth and good earth I got in local plant nursery, put the seedling which I previously germinated (or cutting/small tree from nursery), and let the sun, rain and time take care of everything else.  Maintainance was minimum.  I had avocados, bananas, papayas, mangos, guava, loquat, plus a few other lesser known tropical fruits.   I grew caapi and chacruna too :)  Oh and flowers, orchidaes are so awesome!

I also had experience planting and taking care of olive trees, was quite nice, I loved doing the pruning work and leaving it nicely round and airy :)

I wonder if I have any pictures somewhere, since I had a hard drive fail on me a while ago, but I'm sure I can find something, I`ll post these days.

Be well all!
« Last Edit: March 12, 2014, 03:27:37 PM by ashiata »

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Re: Hello Seeders and Planters :)
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2014, 01:54:58 PM »

Hi ashiata,

Welcome back to the forum. I look forward to sharing!


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Re: Hello Seeders and Planters :)
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2014, 01:40:48 AM »

G'day ashiata!
Pleased to meet you.
Sucks, but AU-OS trade isn't cost effective or reliable anymore. Aussie trade encouraged, especially for cactus, dragonfruit, and colour fruited columns.
Hit me up! --> fairdinkumseeds.com/contact


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Re: Hello Seeders and Planters :)
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2014, 05:57:13 PM »

 :) ;) :D ;D :-*


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Re: Hello Seeders and Planters :)
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2014, 04:33:23 AM »

Welcome to STS!
:) :) :) :)


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Re: Hello Seeders and Planters :)
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2014, 02:56:43 PM »

Thanks for the welcome all :)

I was trying to find pics the gardens or trees I grew and worked with but I could only find my grandparent´s old house where we had loads of banana trees, papayas and other fruit trees I planted later . Pics attached.

Can´t wait to start planting stuff now, it´s very warm and nice weather here already! Hopefully a good soul will not mind my noob status and will be cool with sending me some different seeds from ethnobotanicals, so I can keep the genetics alive in another corner of the world, and share a growlog :)

Edit: And my old dog (RIP ) back then, next to some bananas... Thats the ideal point of harvest, the first set of bananas must be yellow already. This is totally different taste than commercial bananas which are cut when very green and sprayed ethylene to ripen faster later.... Another world really.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 03:08:50 PM by ashiata »

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Re: Hello Seeders and Planters :)
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2014, 04:34:34 PM »

Hello ashiata and welcome to STS  :)

Glad to have you aboard; feel free to update your profile lists (grow, share, and wish lists). It's ok if your share list is shorter than your wish list, as is the case for many of us.


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Re: Hello Seeders and Planters :)
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2014, 07:31:23 PM »

Well, obviously you did NOT need a promotion to full member since you are one of the not-too-many people that got an early invitation to STS, and due to previous references you were added along with Trader status (which requires generally +5 TF).

So apologies for my previous rushed post, and I'm glad you decided to become active.

Kind regards,



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Re: Hello Seeders and Planters :)
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2014, 10:45:49 AM »

Isaak, what are you planning on growing?

I grew up in a sub-tropical climate with banana trees, paw paws (papaya), a litchi tree and a huge avocado. I must say though that none of those were planted by my family, but were either there already or sprouted up unexpectedly - probably as the result of birds or monkeys.

Now I live in a mediterranean-type climate and am interested in doing a bit of research to determine which fruit trees would do best here. I know citrus, pears, grapes and apples are all grown on a large scale by local agriculture. I have been hearing more about the moringa tree lately yet know very little about it. Any input about species and varieties that might do well here would be much appreciated! But that can always be a separate topic of discussion :)

Once again, welcome aboard!
The more I talk to birds, the better I get.