My couple cents according to my little experience...
Maybe pH wouldn't be my first suspect, and even if it was, changing it significantly (and staying within organic) would take pretty long, winter would be most likely over by then - so I'd try other measures in the meantime, if the yellowing becomes a concern.
Unless the yellowing happened suddenly, light could be a cause even if you have a decent potency in the case of LEDs. 600W sounds like a lot, but you know LED technology in gardening can be more or less efficient depending on the individual wattage of the LEDs, besides the overall wattage output. Also, there's the spectrum. Some plants seem to really miss certain ranges. Are you positive your LEDs provide enough? Not that you'd need to get any extra LEDs, if that was the reason... I have a young caapi going nicely through the winter under a fluorescent fixture.
I suppose there hasn't been a big temperature change for them being indoors, and that there was no excess washing of nutrients.
If the problem is in nutrients (or pH) I'd try foliar feeding. Foliar iron, copper, zinc and such should then allow for some recovery as the soil is fixed.