Okay this is a multipart answer...
TL;DR-Your seedling will be fine under T5s or similar until the reach 8"+(maybe more). Don't waste the time or energy to grow them indoors after that. Let them go dormant in a heated greenhouse or any room in your home that stays between 35F-60F.
As for your seedlings:
Depending on many factors (light cycle, fertilizer, watering frequency, etc) you could maybe get away with just T5 shop lights for a couple years. I havent used them much, and not for anything bigger than 6" tall, but i assume you could probably get to 1' or so before you started to notice any decline in grow. Due to lumen/lux/(whatever unit you want to use to measure light intesity) drop over distance being exponential (see Inverse Square Law of light) the amount of green skin exposed to enough lumens for optimal growth, will drop drastically as the cacti increases in height. Thus etoliation. You could add supplemental side light, or even implement a vertical style grow setup, but the energy cost will soon become unreasonable.
As for Adult cacti:
I wouldn't even attempt to grow anything over 1.5'-2' inside. Even with HID lighting 18" can be a drastic drop in light intensity. Your cacti will etoliate without careful planning, lots of supplemental light, and a massive increase to your electric bill.
I currently have about 25 cacti ranging from seedlings to ~16" rooted cuttings under a 600w MH. This is just to fight etoliation as best i can in winter as i have no room in my house that stays cool enough to make them go dormant. It might work for this winter, but next winter I won't even bother trying. Greenhouse will have to be built.
In the wild some of these trichs will reach 20ft or more, but the sun does not have a noticeable lumen drop over 20ft. Thus all the green skin can be used for photosynthesis and produce fat and tall columns. Trying to replicate this indoors is futile. It could be done, but i dont wanna be the one paying for that electric bill.