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Author Topic: i was just frying eggshells  (Read 6971 times)


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i was just frying eggshells
« on: August 17, 2013, 04:36:52 PM »

 Hi everyone ,Ive been reading some posts and I have to say Im  really impressed by the knowledge here.   I hope to learn a lot from this international gardening think tank.  And share some seeds and pictures.                               
   I am a long time gardener, recently interested in improving my health and spirituality.                   I started doing some foraging for my salads  stir fries and tea, purslane ,lambs quarter and  nettles .
  Mullein is everywhere,its like nature is trying to provide for us if we will only listen.
Another personal favorite plant of mine, has been unfairly villianised, billions of dollars have been spent
 trying to eradicate it ,only to poison people. thats right its the evil weed , the DANDELION!
 I hope you didnt think i meant some other medically beneficial weed. 
 I like to challenge myself by  trying to grow unique  plants from out of my climate zone.
Ive become interested cacti,and from reading some of the posts , this is  the right place.
   Thanks everyone, Ive got a picture I think its an acacia acuminata (ace)narrow phylloide


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Re: i was just frying eggshells
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2013, 04:43:26 PM »

My grandmother makes the best dandelion salads. :D
I have also heard that a (poor)coffee substitute can be made from the dried ground root.

I have an active giveaway going for mullein seeds. It is truly a very versatile plant.

Welcome to the forum prasada. Please fill out your grow/share/wish list on your profile page when you get a chance to that others may more easily trade with you. :)

Edit- I just realized that you have been here for a while already and that your wish/grow/share list is already filled out. Doh!
Sorry about that.


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Re: i was just frying eggshells
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2013, 04:59:50 PM »

   Thank you Sunshine.
  I once bought roasted dandelion roots ,thinking I could drink it at night. Big mistake ,my wife and I couldnt get to sleep.
   The picture I posted isnt what i thought it was.   That is a picture of a two month old seedling.
  I dont know if you can see it very well but the taproot is the square ring,if it was unfolded the taproot would be about 4 feet. 
     I think this is the right picture .More grownup.


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Re: i was just frying eggshells
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2013, 05:03:04 PM »

Hello prasada,

thanks for your introduction. It's the second time I hear about dandelion today, the first was this morning as he knocked at my door (well, almost - my wife decided to order some a few days ago, since we sadly cannot watch it grow in the yard we do not own).

You may be already a little familiar with the community, and I'm glad you decided to become active. Please consider contributing to the forum with anything of your choice, and you should be able to step fully inside in no time.

Welcome to STS,



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Re: i was just frying eggshells
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2013, 05:04:27 PM »

I think this is the right picture .More grownup.

Now you're talking :) Looking good, thanks for posting.

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Re: i was just frying eggshells
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2013, 05:09:38 PM »

Hello  prasada

thank you for becoming active.

I've never before heard of dandelion being beneficial. Good thing I'm here learning new things.

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Re: i was just frying eggshells
« Reply #6 on: August 17, 2013, 08:25:26 PM »

Welcome to STS prasada!  Thanks for joining.
Cactus = Life