Hey all, I was sent a Syrian Rue root from the giveaway a few months back, and all has been going well except my ongoing struggle with spider mites. I've lost a few plants to them over the winter, and thought I had eliminated them with neem oil(killing one of my Mimosas in the process...), but about a week ago I noticed my Rue had begun losing lower leaves, they were turning yellow and falling off. Over the last week i've noticed the telltale webs around most of the leaves of my rue. I have been wiping and cleaning it as much as I can, but they're still around. Is Neem safe for use on Rue? Any other tips on getting rid of them?
For ID: They're tiny little mites with small dark spots on their backs. It doesn't look like a two-spotted mite, as in the pictures online their spots are solid,mine have patches of tiny dots on their backs. red eyes, light brown/tan bodies, and dark patches of spots on ~65% of the mites I observed under my microscope. the others look identical, but are missing the spots.
I had considered purchasing some beneficial nematodes, predatory mites, or mite-eating spiders off amazon, but without IDing the mite species I don't know which to buy... Wish I had a μm ruler on my slides, I could give a bit more info. I'll attempt to take pics with my cell through the microscope, but I'm not sure how it'll do.