Just wee bit of insight on how I go about producing these hybrid seeds. First, I emasculate each and every female flower before the pistil comes out of the calyx and before the anthers can ripen. I only grow one compatible male Datura wrightii so there is no fear of any other Datura pollinating my Datura metel hybrid girls. I also pollinate my Datura metel hybrids as soon as the emasculation is completed. Using stored dried frozen pollen if need be. Drying and freezing pollen can extend a pollens life from a mere day in some instances to several years so it makes sense to go that extra step of freezing pollen if your serious about your crosses. My Datura wrightii was sourced directly from the wild in the Mojave desert. Seed pods take 60 days to fully mature on average, but if you grow a bit impatient with many crosses... not just Datura you can create a window into the pod to see how things are progressing. When you finally open your pod, you may find that many gametes have aborted. This is of little concern if you get even a few seeds that are mature. As you can see, this particular pod produced ~14 mature seeds.