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Author Topic: Should we classify Humans in similar ways we do nature?  (Read 7681 times)

Mr. seeds

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Should we classify Humans in similar ways we do nature?
« on: December 20, 2016, 07:31:01 PM »

Are humans a large group of similar species? I think we are.

I think that if you look at say the brain that you can classify different humans under different mutations in the brain and that as people change our brains do too. I think this is just interesting; for example- if the human brain is kept healthy and the body is kept healthy then the brain is kept healthy. This encourages intelligence, spirituality and religious freedom; it encourages the human to get healthier but also to thrive with teamwork and open co-operation. I wish things were more simpler; but we're a complicated group of people.

Why can't we all get along? I really don't know...
life is like a seed; sometimes in order to grow you have to be dropped in dirt, covered by darkness, and struggle for light. The answer is the light in the darkness...