Dear members,
for your convenience, I'm leaving here a layout suggestion for Plant Datasheet entries, along with a template you can copy and paste to start your Datasheet threads.
If you have enough information and want to "adopt" a species here by starting a Datasheet thread for community reference, please name your thread with the following pattern:
[DS] Genus SpeciesOf course, not all fields are required when starting a datasheet. Unknown fields can be left blank, and filled or edited later on.
For nomenclature/taxonomical information, and some other basic plant species data, there's several external resources you can refer to:
Tropicos Plant DatabaseInternational Plant Names IndexThe Plant ListPlant pictures can be attached at the end of the post, or included in the body of the message using external image links.
Template Description
Datasheet: Species, in scientific binomial name1. NOMENCLATURESynonyms: Other binomial names that have been assigned to the species
Common Names (english): Popular, traditional or local english names of the species
Common Names (non-english): Popular, traditional or local names of the species in non-english languages
Taxonomic Position: Family of the species (for instance - Lamiaceae, Mimosoidae, etc.)
2. DESCRIPTIONPlant Type: Is it a herb, a shrub, a succulent, a tree...? Is it perennial, annual, biennial...?
Morphology: A physical description of the plant. Shape, stems, leaves, flowers, roots... detail is always good but you can keep it simple, or illustrate it with pictures.
Similarity to Other Species: Notes about similar species that can confuse correct plant identification.
3. DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGYGeographical Distribution: Countries and geographical locations where it can be natively found in the wild.
Native Habitat: In which type of ecosystems does the species thrive? Temperate forest, mountain areas, tropical rainforest, grasslands, wetlands...?
Hardiness and Environmental Requirements: Ideal temperature range, light preferences, water requirements and hardiness zone if available.
Soil Requirements: Does it like alkaline or acid soils? Should the soil ideally be sandy, loamy, silty, highly organic...?
4. PROPAGATION AND CYCLETypes of Propagation: Is the plant mainly propagated by seed? Can it be propagated by stem/leaf/root cuttings?
Seed Germination Notes: Basic information about seed germination. Dormancy, seed viability, and known methods for starting seeds like stratification or scarification, if they apply.
Life Cycle: Notes about the life cycle of the plant.
5. HISTORY AND CULTURESome historical information about the plant. Ethnobotanical notes, culture and traditionally attributed uses.
6. PROPERTIES AND BENEFITSDocumented properties: Known medicinal and/or psychoactive properties. Please mark speculations as such.
Parts of the plant with therapeutic/psychoactive value: Which plant organs show relevant properties? Leaves, flowers, root...?
Chemical Constituents: Types of compounds found in the plant with therapeutic or psychoactive uses.
6. REFERENCES AND CITATIONSSTS Threads with Information: Link here other threads in the community with information about the species.
External Links: Information outside of STS.
Citation Sources: You can give credit here to the references for the information you posted above.
Template Text
Just copy and paste it into your Datasheet thread, replace the hyphens with the information, and of course modify it and illustrate it as you see fit.
[size=12pt][b][color=green]Datasheet:[/color] ---[/b][/size]
[color=green][b]1. NOMENCLATURE[/b][/color]
[color=green]Synonyms:[/color] ---
[color=green]Common Names (english):[/color] ---
[color=green]Common Names (non-english):[/color] ---
[color=green]Taxonomic Position: [/color] ---
[color=green][b]2. DESCRIPTION[/b][/color]
[color=green]Plant Type:[/color] ---
[color=green]Morphology:[/color] ---
[color=green]Similarity to Other Species:[/color] ---
[color=green][b]3. DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY[/b][/color]
[color=green]Geographical Distribution:[/color] ---
[color=green]Native Habitat:[/color] ---
[color=green]Hardiness and Environmental Requirements:[/color] ---
[color=green]Soil Requirements:[/color] ---
[color=green][b]4. PROPAGATION AND CYCLE[/b][/color]
[color=green]Types of Propagation:[/color] ---
[color=green]Seed Germination Notes:[/color] ---
[color=green]Life Cycle:[/color] ---
[color=green][b]5. HISTORY AND CULTURE[/b][/color]
[color=green][b]6. PROPERTIES AND BENEFITS[/b][/color]
[color=green]Documented properties:[/color] ---
[color=green]Parts of the plant with therapeutic/psychoactive value:[/color] ---
[color=green]Phytochemical Information:[/color] ---
[color=green][b]6. REFERENCES AND CITATIONS[/b][/color]
[color=green]STS Threads with Information:[/color] ---
[color=green]External Links:[/color] ---
[color=green]Citation Sources:[/color] ---
Thank you for your contributions!
- Mandrake