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Author Topic: Flourescent Ayahuasca. Armarios amazónicos  (Read 8950 times)


  • West Coast Zone 8b
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Flourescent Ayahuasca. Armarios amazónicos
« on: August 18, 2014, 09:27:41 PM »

Am needing advice on growing Banisteriopsis sp. under 120 volt 17 watts flourescent lights.

I am having tremendous success with other plants and these lights.

Any ideas or suggestions on if seed or cuttings would do best?

Grow Phalaris grass
Climb Acacia Trees


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Re: Flourescent Ayahuasca. Armarios amazónicos
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2014, 10:19:13 PM »

Any ideas or suggestions on if seed or cuttings would do best?

Seeds are viable for only a few months, so they need be fresh....seeds are faster than cuttings.