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Author Topic: Mimosa Mayheim  (Read 8341 times)


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Mimosa Mayheim
« on: October 11, 2014, 04:05:28 PM »

Hey guys I need help.  I recently started bringing my plants indoors but I have so little room
the two main plants giving me a hard time are my mimosa t's they are growing weird I thought trees grew straight up.
I really do not know what to do and was wondering if anyone had any advice, maybe I can cut it down.  I don't know if that
would kill it, but I want to try and get it to grow a bit straighter up if possible.  It's very healthy and strong but it seems to be
growing more like a bush than a tree and I don't want a bush.  Can I make them into bonsai trees?  I don't know like I said any advice
would be awesome.


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Re: Mimosa Mayheim
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2014, 05:31:02 PM »

You can prune mimosa safely, specially in fall. When temperatures raise and light hours increase, she'll be back.

Some time ago, and after losing a one year old mimosa tree to winter cold, I brought my next mimosa indoors in mid november (northern hemisphere). Pruned generously branches, and although it might not be necessary if the plant is healthy and close to one year of age at least, I left a few leaves. First surprise: just following the raise of temperature as she arrived indoors, in a couple weeks she was full of new leaf shoots. They grew a little elongated and pale due to not receiving enough light, and eventually started falling a little, but by march I moved her outdoors again and soon received lots of beautiful new growth.

So feel free to prune mimosa at your leisure; taming her into a shape or another, though, might take time and patience.



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Re: Mimosa Mayheim
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2014, 07:16:38 PM »

I second Mandrake here, you can prune as you like. It's a bit random, the growth of mimosas, but as you prune the branches the trunk enlarges, giving more the aspect of a tree. You can also try air layering at those branches, and each one become a clone.


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Re: Mimosa Mayheim
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2014, 08:36:35 PM »

Thanks :)